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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1972

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1972

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Electrowinning of Copper at High Current Densities

The maximum current density at which conventional copper electrowinning plants will result in satisfactory, adherent, and dendritefree cathodes is determined by the thickness of the diffusion boundary layer. A decrease in the value of that thickness will permit an increase in the current density. This fact is utilized to develop a high current density cell in which the reduction of the boundary layer thickness is accomplished by means of a specially designed electrolyte circulation system. The high current density cell is used to determine the effect of current density on such process parameters as current efficiency, cell voltage, power consumption, and cathode purity. A number of empirical equations are developed for the purpose of estimating the magnitude of these effects.
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  • Published: 1971
  • PDF Size: 2.742 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1972_1311

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