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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1972

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1972

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Nickel-Iron Exchange in Pyrrhotite

The uptake of nickel into the lattice of pyrrhotite, Fe1 _1J S was studied experimentally in the temperature range 200C to 760C. Nickel from both aqueous solutions and salt melts diffuses rapidly into the sulphidelattice with an accompanying release of iron into the solution or melt. The rate of uptake of nickel and its diffusion into the sulphide lattice were followed by optical microscopy and by analysis with an electron probe microanalyser. Some geological consequences of this phenomenon affecting the distribution of nickel in rocks associated with nickel-iron sulphide ores are discussed.
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  • Published: 1971
  • PDF Size: 2.811 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1972_1317

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