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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1983

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1983

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High Yield Bacterial Leaching of Copper Concentrates

A new strain of Thiobacil/us ferrooxidans (SPK I) has been isolated which has a higher copper to iron release ratio (2.04) than the standard T ferrooxidans (CPBI) (1.12). The diminished iron oxidizing ability enables almost quantitative release of copper (93 per cent) from a chalcopyrite-rich concentrate without interference by iron reprecipitation. In a single batch leach, Bougainville copper concentrate yielded 9.3 grams/litre soluble copper from a 4 per cent w/v suspension in 100 days at 32C.Solvent extraction recovery of soluble copper is recommended as a final step in a leaching process.
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  • Published: 1982
  • PDF Size: 0.378 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P_PROC1983_1572

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