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Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1988

Conference Proceedings

The AusIMM Proceedings 1988

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Papers in collection

  • A New Method for Coal Pillar Design Go to Paper
  • Application of Geostatistics to the Analysis of Seismic Data Go to Paper
  • Contributed Discussion to "The Nickel Copper Deposit at Radio Hill, Karratha, Western Australia" by De Angelis, Hoyle, Peters and Wightman (Bulletin and Proceedings Vol 292, June 1987) Go to Paper
  • Distribution of Inorganics and Gold on the External and Internal Surfaces of Activated Carbons from CIP Plants Go to Paper
  • Eh-pH measurement for problem solving in a zinc reverse flotation process Go to Paper
  • Galena Flotation with Metabisulphite: Solutions to Problems from Xanthate Sulphoxy Ion Reactions Go to Paper
  • Integrating Environmental Factors into Mining Projects Go to Paper
  • Lateral Zonation within Epithermal Gold Mineralisation, Misima Island, Papua New Guinea Go to Paper
  • Learning from Nuclear Waste Repository Design: the Ground-Control Plan Go to Paper
  • Optimum Determination of Sub-Grade Stockpiles in Open Pit Mines Go to Paper
  • Propagation and Suppression of Colliery Explosions-with Particular Reference to Polish Conditions Go to Paper
  • Structure and Metamorphic Setting of Base Metal Mineralisation in the Kanmantoo Group, South Australia Go to Paper
  • Technical Note-A Mineral Grain Finder for Polsihed Ore Samples Go to Paper
  • Technical Note-Deposit Morphology and Current Efficiency in Electrolytic Zinc Deposition Go to Paper
  • Technical Note-Rapid WO3 Determination Comparison of Results by Different Methods Go to Paper
  • The Generation of Minimum Search Patterns in the Optimum Design of Open Pit Mines Go to Paper
  • The Moral Basis of Professionalism Go to Paper
  • The Relationship Between Coal Particle Size and Hydrophobicity in the Formation of Particle-Stabilised Froths Go to Paper
  • The Weipa Kaolin Project Go to Paper
PD Hours
Approved activity
  • Published: 1987
  • Unique ID: PA-Proc1988

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