Conference Proceedings
The Australian Mine Ventilation Conference 2013
Conference Proceedings
The Australian Mine Ventilation Conference 2013
After Blast Re-Entry Time for a Room and Pillar Operation
The lowering of the pollutant concentration limits at the workplace subjects the mining industry to higher requirements for dilution; this situation is worsened with the current discussions within the European Union (EU) to set new stricter exposure limits for nitrogen oxides in the workplace. This is directly reflected in the performance of the mine ventilation system, which may need to be revised to meet the new standards. The after blast re-entry time, being inversely proportional to the threshold limits, will be higher for a lower limit. This in turn increases the down time for production from the blasted area.Numerical tools have been very useful in predicting the effectiveness of ventilation. This study aims at analysing the dilution time for NOx gases from an ANFO blast in a room and pillar panel. The effect of changing the ventilation on the dilution time is studied next, which helps with the selection of a suitable ventilation system.CITATION:Agasty, A, Clausen, E, Kellner, M and Langefeld, O, 2013. After blast re-entry time for a room and pillar operation, in Proceedings The Australian Mine Ventilation Conference , pp 179-186 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
A Agasty, E Clausen, M Kellner, O Langefeld
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- Published: 2013
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