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Conference Proceedings

The Australian Mine Ventilation Conference 2013

Conference Proceedings

The Australian Mine Ventilation Conference 2013

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Controlled Recirculation and Refrigeration at Vale's Taquari Potash Mine

Taquari Vasouras potash mine (Vale Fertilizantes) has many interesting features including virgin rock temperatures of 50C at depths of 700 m. The mine has a relatively small shaft system with limited ventilation carrying capacity, which was not adequate to exploit the full extent of the deposit. This limitation was overcome by installing two large-scale recirculation systems with underground reconditioning centres. This paper describes this unique mine ventilation and cooling system and some of its history over the past two decades. The two controlled recirculation systems have been operating safely for some ten years and the use of large-scale recirculation has been a fundamental component in the increase of production and extending the mining further-and-further from the shaft centre. The recirculation systems have played a huge role in the mine profitability and comprehensively extending the mine life. The paper also discusses a number of novel design and operating features such as reverse running pumps for energy recovery. The underground chilled water system design required a number of special safety features in order to minimise the risk of water leakage since this could be catastrophic in a potash mine. This paper describes a good example of a mine in which the final ventilation and cooling system design ends up very different to what was envisaged at the greenfields stage.CITATION:Bluhm, S, Funnell, R and de Oliveira, L, 2013._x000D_
Controlled recirculation and refrigeration at Vale's Taquari Potash Mine, in Proceedings The Australian Mine Ventilation Conference , pp 237-248 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
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  • Published: 2013
  • PDF Size: 0.977 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P201304029

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