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Conference Proceedings

The Australian Mine Ventilation Conference 2013

Conference Proceedings

The Australian Mine Ventilation Conference 2013

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Reduction in Diesel Particulate Matter at Oaky North

Oaky North is Australia's highest producing underground coal mine. In 2011, the mine produced 8.7 Mt of high-quality coking coal. The high quantities are a result of the constant strive for optimising the operating time of major production units, which involves investing numerous resources, including diesel equipment, in supporting and maintaining their operation.In July 2011 it was identified that the diesel particulate matter (DPM) levels in the underground workings were above acceptable levels, due to the high level of diesel activity. Over the next 12 months, several controls were implemented to reduce exposure to personnel: the main ventilation system was upgraded; the production forecast was adjusted to better manage the diesel fleet, removing surges in diesel usage; and an electronic diesel tag board was introduced to centrally manage the distribution of diesel usage around the mine.From the start of the campaign in emission reduction, an intense DPM monitoring regime was established. Within a few months of the introduction of the centralised tag board, there was a major reduction in emission levels. After the installation and commissioning of the new main fans, the emission levels dropped further, such that over-exposures are now a rarity.Oaky North continues to explore new systems to better utilise their diesel fleet while still maintaining control over DPM emissions.CITATION:Melloy, A, Holt, D and Jurak, M, 2013. Reduction in diesel particulate matter at Oaky North, in Proceedings The Australian Mine Ventilation Conference , pp 187-190 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
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  • Published: 2013
  • PDF Size: 0.417 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P201304023

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