Conference Proceedings
The Australian Mine Ventilation Conference 2013
Conference Proceedings
The Australian Mine Ventilation Conference 2013
The Protection of Surface Ventilation Fan Installations from Underground Explosions
Following an underground coal mine explosion, it is important that ventilation is quickly restored to ventilate the mine and affect a mine rescue. To achieve this, surface ventilation fans must be suitably protected from explosion damage, but still able to be quickly restored.A review of all Australian coal mine regulations was carried out, revealing that Australia has no prescriptive regulations that specify the design of explosion relief panels and the protection of ventilation fans in the event of an underground explosion.To better define the level of protection required, this paper reviews and extracts details from relevant major international regulations and standards on the subject.A suitable design methodology for the protection of ventilation fans is presented that could be applied in Australia, using a combination of explosion relief panels, appropriate isolation of the fan, and ventilation shaft/mine design.CITATION:Rafferty, T and Bourcier, R, 2013. The protection of surface ventilation fan installations from underground explosions, in Proceedings The Australian Mine Ventilation Conference , pp 169-173 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
T Rafferty, R Bourcier
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- Published: 2013
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- Unique ID: P201304021