Conference Proceedings
The Second AusIMM International Geometallurgy Conference 2013
Conference Proceedings
The Second AusIMM International Geometallurgy Conference 2013
A Geometallurgical Approach for Iron Ore Product Evaluation
The intrinsic value of iron ore depends on its physical and chemical characteristics. For example, silica and alumina are unwanted elements, downgrading iron grade and adversely affecting high temperature processing, attracting penalties in smelter contracts. For this reason, an informed knowledge of processing characteristics and product quality of the ore is valuable and cost effective during mine planning and processing.Ore variability is a significant factor that affects metallurgical behaviour and efficiency of ore processing equipment. Ore of sufficient chemical and physical quality needs to be modelled, mined, processed and usually blended. Feed and product assays are commonly used to assess potential ore upgradability. However, assays alone cannot be all informative of actual processing response given the variability of the physical properties of the ore.This study investigates the potential benefit of implementing a geometallurgical approach during the commissioning stage of the Kings deposit, part of the Solomon Iron Ore project in Western Australia. Kings drill hole database information, ie geological, textural and geochemical data, together with the results of metallurgical test work were used for geometallurgical analysis and modelling. Three main ore types were identified at Kings, namely channel iron deposit (CID), bedded iron deposits (BID) and Detrital Iron Deposit (DID). Additional classifications were utilised to better characterise these units in terms of their physical properties.Bulk sampling for each ore type was carried out across the deposit for metallurgical testing. Multivariate statistical models were developed for prediction of product quality for each geometallurgical unit. A new approach for modelling yield based on ore upgrade factors is introduced. These models were then applied to the Kings regularised mining model to assess product quality across the mining blocks and to plan product stockpiling and blending strategies.CITATION:Vatandoost, A, Beven, B J, Campbell-Hardwick, S and Young, J, 2013. A geometallurgical approach for iron ore product evaluation, in Proceedings The Second AusIMM International Geometallurgy Conference (GeoMet) 2013 , pp 259-266 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
A Vatandoost, B J Beven, S Campbell-Hardwick, J Young
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