Conference Proceedings
The Second AusIMM International Geometallurgy Conference 2013
Conference Proceedings
The Second AusIMM International Geometallurgy Conference 2013
Geometallurgical Modelling of the Dumont Deposit
The Dumont deposit is a large (1179 Mt reserve), low-grade (0.27 per cent nickel) nickel sulfide project located in the Abitibi region 25 km west of Amos, Quebec. Royal Nickel Corporation (RNC) acquired the project in 2007 and has since taken the deposit through to feasibility. The disseminated nickel sulfide and alloy mineralisation is hosted within the serpentinised dunite subzone of the Dumont Sill; a differentiated, pervasively serpentinised, ultramafic sill of komatiitic affinity. Pentlandite ((Ni,Fe)9S8), heazlewoodite (Ni3S2) and awaruite (Ni2.5Fe) are the dominant nickel-bearing metallic phases and can be recovered by conventional methods (flotation, magnetic separation). Non-recoverable nickel is also present within serpentine and olivine of the silicate matrix.A detailed mineralogical program including 1420 QEMSCAN samples and 4400 electron microprobe points was undertaken to increase the understanding of the nickel deportment in the various recoverable and non-recoverable phases in a spatial context across the deposit. A total of 105 metallurgical tests have been performed under a standard procedure which have linked the mineralogy to metallurgical performance. This has allowed the creation and modelling of geometallurgical domains on a block-by-block basis to understand the recovery variation and metallurgical performance throughout the deposit. Understanding the spatial variability of Ni deportment in recoverable and non-recoverable phases through mineralogy is the key to understanding metallurgical performance, thus unlocking the value of the Dumont deposit and other large tonnage low-grade ultramafic nickel deposits.CITATION:Sciortino, M, Muinonen, J, Korczak, J and St-Jean, A, 2013. Geometallurgical modelling of the Dumont Deposit, in Proceedings The Second AusIMM International Geometallurgy Conference (GeoMet) 2013 , pp 93-100 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
M Sciortino, J Muinonen, J Korczak, A St-Jean
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