Conference Proceedings
The Second International Conference on Prospecting in Arid Terrain, Perth
Conference Proceedings
The Second International Conference on Prospecting in Arid Terrain, Perth
The Lateritic Regolith in Arid Terrains: Description, Formation, Evolution: Consequences for Geochemical Exploration
The weathering profile, in arid terrains, is commonly capped by different kinds of hardened crust, whose formation is related to recent or former climates. One may distinguish silcretes, calcretes and the ferruginous (or ferro-aluminous) laterites. the present keynote address mostly deals with the lateritic regolith and, moreover, the influence it has on mineral exploration. The lateritic regolith, also called "cuirasse", is a result of a massive accumulation of Fe (and/or Al) oxides on top of weathering profiles developed during former, probably seasonal humid, climatic episodes, and whose preservation depends on the characteristics of later climates. The total thickness of such weathering profiles commonly exceeds 50 m, with an almost complete substitution of the rock forming minerals by secondary minerals as kaolinite and Fe-Al oxi- hydroxides (hematite, goethite, boehmite, gibbsite). Such an alteration of the primary minerals assemblage is of course accompanied by significant changes of the chemical composition, as concerns major and trace elements. The latter are distributed amongst the main secondary mineral phases or trapped in some primary resistant minerals, but may also be leached, totally or partially. Gold is also affected by lateritic weathering, as shown for instance by morphoscopic and geochemical studies of gold grains collected in the different horizons of the profile, which indicates some dissolution followed by reprecipitation.
H Zebgers
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- Published: 1988
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- Unique ID: P198802031