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Conference Proceedings

Third International Future Mining Conference 2015

Conference Proceedings

Third International Future Mining Conference 2015

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A Multilayer 3D Index Tool for Recursive Block Models Supporting Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Mine Planning

Block modelling is a well-established method for modelling ore reserves as a basis for strategic mine planning and mine development. Off-Earth mining, particularly of asteroids, can benefit from block models; however, the significantly different characteristics of asteroids and their methods of mining require reconsideration of the geometry and annotations of block models. Terrestrial block models consist of rectangular prisms within Euclidean coordinate systems. Their labels and parameters typically include location within a mine-specific coordinate system, x, y and z dimensions, specific gravity, hardness, grades of metals of interest and so on.These data provide an input to mine design and strategic mine planning. Mining asteroids may require different coordinate systems (eg spherical, elliptical or cylindrical, rather that Euclidean) and attributes that vary from Earth-based block models. These include: variable gravitational vectors throughout the block modelrotational moment or accelerationrotation rates. Materials within asteroids may show different isotopic compositions. Asteroid mining has the unique characteristic of a mine being identical with an asteroid. The position of the asteroid/mine in space and its full orbital elements provide critical inputs to mission design and costing. Hence, the block model concept needs to be extended with this metadata. The orbital position and behaviour of the Earth must be included for active mine planning, and increasing automation of mine planning and operations needs to consider terrestrial weather and telecommunications infrastructure. Financial planning requires analysis of the net present value of extraterrestrial mining compared with terrestrial alternatives, so a fully automated mining enterprise should integrate terrestrial and extraterrestrial block models at different scales and resolutions. Blocks can be indexed via octrees, allowing for hierarchical scales that support analytics for deriving new knowledge and correlating features across different scales.CITATION:Lindley, C A, Sennersten, C, Davie, A, Goldstein, O, Lyu, R, Grace, A, Evans, B, Pentecost, D, Thomas, T, De Macedo Camargo, L, Craig, J, Salomao, G N, Hellicar, A, Biggins, D, Timms, G, Coombe, M, Shahriar, M S, Smith, G and Rahman, A, 2015. A multilayer 3D index tool for recursive block models supporting terrestrial and extraterrestrial mine planning, in Proceedings Third International Future Mining Conference, pp 289-296 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
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  • Published: 2014
  • PDF Size: 5.459 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P2015011035

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