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Conference Proceedings

Third International Future Mining Conference 2015

Conference Proceedings

Third International Future Mining Conference 2015

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Future Climate - Is Heat Stress a Real Risk for the Future and How Can We Better Manage It?

Working in Australia's harsh climate can have a significant impact on the health, safety and productivity of our teams, but is our working environment expected to be more prone to heat stress in the future? Climate modelling suggests that we are likely to encounter more frequent heatwaves and higher apparent temperature. Does this mean that our teams will be at greater risk of heat stress, and are we prepared to deal with the changes in our future climate and the potential impacts on our working population? This paper will review the recent research on climate and projected changes to all meteorological parameters that are important in understanding the likelihood of heat stress. The paper will also describe the challenges encountered in the management of heat stress in a workforce, and then outline a systematic approach to heat stress management that will allow you to assess your own risk and manage your day-to-day operations into the future.CITATION:Killip, C, 2015. Future climate - is heat stress a real risk for the future and how can we better manage it?, in Proceedings Third International Future Mining Conference, pp 181-188 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
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  • Published: 2014
  • PDF Size: 1.657 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P2015011021

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