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Conference Proceedings

Third International Future Mining Conference 2015

Conference Proceedings

Third International Future Mining Conference 2015

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Integrating Measurement, Systems and Leadership to Build Safe, Productive Cultures

As Australia's mining industry painfully retrenches, mining executives and managers strive to remain viable by seeking significant productivity increases directly through process improvement and indirectly by improving leadership and workplace culture, the most powerful determinant of productivity. Culture is the combination of people's attitudes and behaviour, together with leadership values and focus.Comprehensive new and automated data collection and management systems promise much for improving productivity, yet despite rapid advances in measurement and sharing of data, the use of data can reduce productivity unless behavioural aspects are considered and designed as part of implementation. This is because systems drive behaviour that in turn shapes attitudes to determine culture.Experience from many mine sites and other industries in three countries confirm that the most powerful drivers of people's behaviour are the Measurement-Analysis-Reporting system and business leadership.This paper discusses fundamentals of practical, statistically valid process measurement, analysis and reporting systems before discussing associated leadership considerations for sustained improvement in safety, productivity, employee retention, leadership, accountability and commercial returns.The key to productivity improvement is improving core processes and important support processes. In turn, the key to process improvement is identifying the major process components and their interaction by measuring and then analysing their variation and level of performance. Understanding variation is often neglected yet is usually highly significant. It is essential that the fundamentals of statistically valid yet practical process and data analysis are understood and incorporated into system design to ensure productive, informed behaviour.The design and use of Measurement-Analysis-Reporting systems influences behaviour most profoundly and determines people's effectiveness. Behavioural aspects are detailed by focusing on six primary drivers of human behaviour and five basic systems for managing businesses. These are integrated in a seven-step process and productivity improvement methodology that combines statistical, analytical, systems and behavioural factors.The paper includes development, implementation and tracking of a project plan for improving management and leadership systems to drive aligned behaviours. This key leadership responsibility is essential for improving performance to get the most from capital while providing people with the opportunity to develop greater autonomy, which is essential for self-discipline, responsibility, initiative and accountability.CITATION:Roberts, M I, 2015. Integrating measurement, systems and leadership to build safe, productive cultures, in Proceedings Third International Future Mining Conference, pp 73-82 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
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  • Published: 2014
  • PDF Size: 2.337 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P2015011010

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