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Conference Proceedings

Third International Future Mining Conference 2015

Conference Proceedings

Third International Future Mining Conference 2015

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Making Hard Rock In Situ Recovery a Reality

Increasing global demand for commodity metals and capital and the greater operating costs of mining and metal production present significant challenges for the metals mining industry. Current conventional technologies may not be feasible for processing deposits of declining grade, challenging mineralogy or those that occur at increasingly greater depths. To overcome these issues, the development of a step-change technology such as in situ recovery (ISR), which reduces mining and avoids milling costs, may be vital in ensuring future economic metal production. ISR has been used extensively to treat porous soft rock deposits such as the water-soluble salts, sylvite and halite. Although ISR has typically been used for mining conventionally uneconomic uranium ores, it has also been used less frequently for the treatment of other restricted permeability hard rock deposits, such as those containing copper and gold. The reason for the limited uptake of the technology for hard rock mineralisations is primarily due to low natural rock porosity and permeability and hence poor response to available lixiviant. However, additional challenges include solution containment, management of groundwater and regulatory, ecological and societal requirements and expectations. CSIRO has focused on understanding the challenges of hard rock ISR and identifying global capabilities that can contribute to developing the essential enabling technical areas required to realise ISR. Specific focus areas include geochemistry and advanced resource characterisation; drilling and controlled rock-breaking technologies; solution chemistry and environmentally benign lixiviant systems; lixiviant delivery systems and subsurface mixing'; subsurface hydrology and reactive transport mechanisms and models; downstream processing options; legal, social and environmental aspects; and techno-economic modelling. This paper will discuss ISR challenges including industry feedback focused on addressing this issue, gaps preventing ISR from being applied in practice, capabilities to overcome these gaps and the development of a collaborative approach to making hard rock ISR a reality.CITATION:Kuhar, L L, Breuer, P, Robinson, D J and McFarlane, A, 2015. Making hard rock in situ recovery a reality, in Proceedings Third International Future Mining Conference, pp 189-196 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
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  • Published: 2014
  • PDF Size: 0.311 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P2015011022

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