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Conference Proceedings

Third International Future Mining Conference 2015

Conference Proceedings

Third International Future Mining Conference 2015

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Monitoring Design and Data Management for a Multiwell CO2 Storage/Enhanced Coalbed Methane Test in a Stacked Coal Reservoir, Buchanan County, Virginia, USA

Three legacy coalbed methane production wells have been converted to injection wells for a one-year carbon dioxide (CO2) injection test to evaluate the potential for CO2 storage in the coal reservoir and the potential for enhanced gas production at offset wells. The injection reservoir is composed of 15-20 individual coal seams with an average thickness of 30 cm (1.0 ft), spanning a depth range of approximately 240 (800 ft) to 670 m (2200 ft).The monitoring program for this test includes gas and water sampling of the three injection wells, three dedicated monitoring wells and approximately 20 offset production wells. Key technologies used for monitoring the study area include time-lapse GPS and interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) acquisitions for surface deformation measurement, a 28-station buried passive microseismic monitoring array, real-time downhole pressure and temperature sensing and perfluorocarbon tracer fluids, which will be injected with the CO2 stream. The schedule for the monitoring program includes pre- (baseline), during- and post-injection data collection. This schedule will allow data to be analysed for time-lapse changes and trends, which are important for understanding the migration of gas and fluid phases in the reservoir - including CO2, methane, other hydrocarbons and water - and for observing the changing distributions of reservoir pressures and stresses.The results of the monitoring efforts for this study have implications for monitoring mining operations. The combined use of GPS and InSAR geospatial data to evaluate elevation changes across and beyond the study area may prove to be an accurate option for measuring surface deformation, including mining-induced subsidence, in unstable terrain. Long-term microseismic monitoring using high-sensitivity instruments has several applications in mining operations, including rock stability monitoring, production monitoring and miner location detection during emergencies. Tracer studies and short-term microseismic monitoring used to assess methane extraction can also be used to develop and optimise degasification systems for underground coalmines.CITATION:Gilliland, E S, Ripepi, N S, Schafrik, S J, Schlosser, C, Amante, J, Louk, A K, Diminick, E, Keim, S, Keles, C and Karmis, M, 2015. Monitoring design and data management for a multiwell CO2 storage/enhanced coalbed methane test in a stacked coal reservoir, Buchanan County, Virginia, USA, in Proceedings Third International Future Mining Conference, pp 47-56 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
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  • Monitoring Design and Data Management for a Multiwell CO2 Storage/Enhanced Coalbed Methane Test in a Stacked Coal Reservoir, Buchanan County, Virginia, USA
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  • Monitoring Design and Data Management for a Multiwell CO2 Storage/Enhanced Coalbed Methane Test in a Stacked Coal Reservoir, Buchanan County, Virginia, USA
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  • Published: 2014
  • PDF Size: 5.417 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P2015011006

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