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Conference Proceedings

Third International Future Mining Conference 2015

Conference Proceedings

Third International Future Mining Conference 2015

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Real-time Mining - Moving Towards Continuous Process Management in Mineral Resource Extraction

The flow of information, and consequently the decision-making along the chain of mining from exploration to beneficiation, typically occurs in a discontinuous fashion over long timespans. In addition, due to the uncertain nature of the knowledge about deposits and the inherent spatial distribution of material characteristics, actual production performance often deviates from expectations. Reconciliation exercises to adjust mineral resource and reserve models and planning assumptions are performed with timely lags of weeks, months or even years.The key concept of real-time mining promotes a change in paradigm from discontinuous intermittent process monitoring to a continuous process and quality management system in the resource extraction process. The framework includes a real-time feedback control loop that rapidly links online data acquired during extraction at the mining face, material handling and processing with a sequentially updatable resource model. This will allow near real-time optimisation of decisions related to long-term planning, short-term sequencing and production control.The proposed framework integrates the following building blocks in a holistic manner: automated sensor-based material characterisationonline machine performance measurementsunderground navigation and positioningunderground mining system simulation and optimisation of planning decisionsupdating techniques for resource/reserve models.This paper introduces the real-time mining concept and the building blocks and provides a review of the state-of-the-art. Technological readiness of necessary building blocks is assessed, and critical gaps for further technology development are identified. The value added is illustrated by means of a case study.CITATION:Benndorf, J, Buxton, M W N, Nienhaus, K, Rattmann, L, Korre, A, Soares, A, deJong, A, Jeannee, N, Graham, P, Buttgereit, D, Gehlen, S, Eijkelkamp, F, Mischo, H, Sandtke, M and Wilsnack, T, 2015. Real-time mining - moving towards continuous process management in mineral resource extraction, in Proceedings Third International Future Mining Conference, pp 37-46 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
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  • Published: 2014
  • PDF Size: 2.081 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P2015011005

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