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Conference Proceedings

Third International Future Mining Conference 2015

Conference Proceedings

Third International Future Mining Conference 2015

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Selection and Planning of Fully Mobile In-pit Crusher and Conveyor Systems for Deep Open Pit Metalliferous Applications

Integrated continuous mining techniques such as fully mobile in-pit crusher and conveyor (FMIPCC) systems offer inherent labour, energy and environmental benefits to deep pit metalliferous mines. However, before such systems become commonplace, a number of barriers must be overcome.This paper outlines a number of commonly perceived barriers to FMIPCC application, together with a number of suggested solutions. The paper advances a design approach for specifying FMIPCC systems for deep pit metalliferous applications. A novel FMIPCC configuration is advanced using a hydraulic excavator in backhoe configuration. Because of the requirement to minimise belt extensions, a mine planning approach is presented based on a series of parallel and radial belt conveyor moves.The FMIPCC system does not fully replace truck-shovel systems. In the proposed mine plan, sinking is undertaken with truck-shovel systems using a series of box cuts, whereas pit widening' activities are accomplished via the FMIPCC system. Because of inherent differences in mine sequencing, the net present value derived from the FMIPCC mine will differ markedly from that derived from traditional, nested-pit, truck-shovel mining approaches. Therefore, any comparison of the FMIPCC and truck-shovel approaches must take into account radically different mine planning approaches.CITATION:Dean, M, Knights, P, Kizil, M S and Nehring, M, 2015. Selection and planning of fully mobile in-pit crusher and conveyor systems for deep open pit metalliferous applications, in Proceedings Third International Future Mining Conference, pp 219-226 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
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  • Published: 2014
  • PDF Size: 4.321 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P2015011027

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