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Conference Proceedings

Third International Future Mining Conference 2015

Conference Proceedings

Third International Future Mining Conference 2015

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Swamp Works - A New Approach to Develop Space Mining and Resource Extraction Technologies at NASA's Kennedy Space Center: Prospecting, Excavation, Load, Haul and Dump for In Situ Resource Utilisation

The first steps for in situ resource utilisation (ISRU) on target bodies such as the Moon, Mars and near-Earth asteroids (NEA), and even comets, involve the same sequence of steps as in the terrestrial mining of resources. First exploration including prospecting must occur, and then the resource must be acquired through excavation methods if it is of value. Subsequently a load-haul-dump sequence of events occurs, followed by processing of the resource in an ISRU plant, to produce useful commodities.While these technologies and related supporting operations are mature in terrestrial applications, they will be different in space since the environment and indigenous materials are different than on Earth. In addition, the equipment must be highly automated, since for the majority of the production cycle time, there will be no humans present to assist or intervene. This space mining equipment must withstand a harsh environment which includes vacuum, radical temperature swing cycles, highly abrasive lofted dust, electrostatic effects, van der Waals forces effects, galactic cosmic radiation, solar particle events, high thermal gradients when spanning sunlight terminators, steep slopes into craters / lava tubes and cryogenic temperatures as low as 40 K in permanently shadowed regions. In addition the equipment must be tele-operated from Earth or a local base where the crew is sheltered. If the tele-operation occurs from Earth then significant communications latency effects mandate the use of autonomous control systems in the mining equipment. While this is an extremely challenging engineering design scenario, it is also an opportunity, since the technologies developed in this endeavour could be used in the next generations of terrestrial mining equipment, in order to mine deeper, safer, more economical and with a higher degree of flexibility. New space technologies could precipitate new mining solutions here on Earth.The NASA Kennedy Space Center (KSC) Swamp Works is an innovation environment and methodology, with associated laboratories that use lean development methods and creativity-enhancing processes to invent and develop new solutions for space exploration. This paper will discuss the Swamp Works approach to developing space mining and resource extraction systems and the vision of space development it serves. The ultimate goal of the Swamp Works is to expand human civilisation into the solar system via the use of local resources utilisation. By mining and using the local resources in situ, it is conceivable that one day the logistics supply train from Earth can be eliminated and Earth independence of a space-based community will be enabled.CITATION:Mueller, R P, Sibille, L, Leucht, K, Smith, J D, Townsend, I I, Nick, A J, Schuler, J M and Fox, J J, 2015. Swamp works - a new approach to develop space mining and resource extraction technologies at NASA's Kennedy Space Center: prospecting, excavation, load, haul and dump for in situ resource utilisation, in Proceedings Third International Future Mining Conference, pp 297-304 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
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  • Swamp Works - A New Approach to Develop Space Mining and Resource Extraction Technologies at NASA's Kennedy Space Center: Prospecting, Excavation, Load, Haul and Dump for In Situ Resource Utilisation
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  • Published: 2014
  • PDF Size: 2.159 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P2015011036

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