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Conference Proceedings

Third International Future Mining Conference 2015

Conference Proceedings

Third International Future Mining Conference 2015

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Synergistic Collaboration of Humans and Automated Systems - Innovative Steps Towards Fully Autonomous and Continuous Mining Systems

Throughout the minerals industry, it is evident that a new wave of technological innovation is needed as the mining sector looks for ways to achieve higher security and safety as well as higher production rates with less investment. Innovation has always been one of the key factors in achieving success within the mining industry. However, its importance will be especially relevant in the coming years if negative trends in commodity prices and new challenges facing the industry (lower grades, deeper mines and economy of scales) are to be overcome and the future sustainability and profitability of the sector ensured.The drive towards fully autonomous operations has begun, with the implementation of automated systems in both surface and underground operations. However, these automated systems are currently planned and realised with well-defined automated tasks within structured environments and isolated spaces. Currently, there is no interaction between automated systems, manned systems or humans, which creates physically isolated environments.For fully autonomous and continuous operations, the automated systems need to operate in environments that enable flexible interactions between automated machines, tele- and manually operated machines and humans.In this paper, we address the automation paradigm considering the synergistic collaboration between humans and automated systems. In this paradigm, humans and machines would interact in a flexible, collaborative and synergistic way without the need for isolation. The implementation of this concept within mining operations will have to be underpinned by science and technological developments and will require adaptation from many fields, including robotics, automation, distributed systems, communication, human factors, pattern recognition and mine design.The paper also presents the research and development work being undertaken at the University of Chile's Advanced Mining Technology Center, in collaboration with the Chilean mining industry. This will provide the basis for flexible interactions between humans and technology-based systems towards a future of autonomous and continuous mining systems.CITATION:Ruiz-del-Solar, J, Widzyk-Capehart, E, Vallejos, P and Asenjo, R, 2015. Synergistic collaboration of humans and automated systems - innovative steps towards fully autonomous and continuous mining systems, in Proceedings Third International Future Mining Conference, pp 83-94 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
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  • Published: 2014
  • PDF Size: 10.782 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P2015011011

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