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Conference Proceedings

Third International Future Mining Conference 2015

Conference Proceedings

Third International Future Mining Conference 2015

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The Use of High-intensity Monitoring Data to Better Characterise Geotechnical Properties of a Non-homogeneous Rock Mass

Centennial Coal operates the Springvale longwall mining operation which extracts coal beneath the Newnes Plateau in the Western Coalfields of New South Wales. Springvale, and the neighbouring Angus Place mine, have a history of difficult geotechnical conditions where combinations of a relatively high stress regime and weak, laminated roof and extensive geological faulting has led to numerous roof failures throughout the mine's life. Following development, the mines underground roadways can experience high levels of roof movement which may lead to roof falls. Multipoint wire extensometers are extensively used throughout the mine for roadway condition monitoring, and to reactively drive remedial strata support through trigger action response plans (TARPs).As a result of the use of high-density extensometer monitoring over a long period, the mines have an extensive archive of legacy data. Data processing has evolved over time in order to accommodate the increasing data volume, including direct data entry from the recently introduced hard-wired real-time monitoring instruments. It is likely that telemetric real-time instruments will be introduced in the future, which will cause another step change in data management requirements. This paper discusses the transition to and evolution of relational database management systems for extensometer and associated data.This paper also presents case studies of the use of a new software tool for reprocessing legacy data to enable time-scaled visualisation of monitoring data in the context of longwall and development face positions and installed strata support. The software can be used proactively in the identification of geotechnical risk factors and their interaction with the mining process to allow a more robust geotechnical hazard process. It interfaces directly with the widely used ExtoChart database software and can be presented with scale drawings of geological and geotechnical data to allow correlation of monitoring data results with risk factors.CITATION:Corbett, P and Sheffield, P, 2015. The use of high-intensity monitoring data to better characterise geotechnical properties of a non-homogeneous rock mass, in Proceedings Third International Future Mining Conference, pp 145-158 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
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  • Published: 2014
  • PDF Size: 43.887 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P2015011018

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