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Conference Proceedings

Third International Future Mining Conference 2015

Conference Proceedings

Third International Future Mining Conference 2015


Update on the Current State-of-the-art with DynaCut and Hard Rock Continuous Mining Systems

*This is an abstract only. No full paper is available for this abstract.* Rock fragmentation is the first and arguably most important step in the mining process. Drilling and blasting continues to be the industry's preferred method to fragment rock in all but the weakest rock types, given large volumes of rock can be broken at relatively low cost._x000D_
However, blasting has its disadvantages. It is a cyclic process and can be difficult to control, with the rock fragments produced of various sizes, ranging from dust to boulders._x000D_
Where continuous cutting machines have replaced drill-and-blast as a mining method - typically in weak rocks and coal - productivity has been improved. Further benefits of a continuous mining system include a much greater degree of control, the ability to easily achieve very smooth, tightly tolerated openings, and selectivity in excavating a valuable deposit from the waste rock. The collateral damage to the rock left unmined is virtually zero, which is arguably a benefit to the surrounding rock mass._x000D_
At the turn of this century, oscillating disc cutting technology was identified as a potential method to cut hard rock efficiently and effectively and as an alternative to drag cutting, roller compression cutting or drill and blast._x000D_
Significant investment in the technology has led to the development of DynaCut. New knowledge has been developed in the past two years that has broadened the potential application of DynaCut technology in mining._x000D_
Energy in and cut rock out has improved dramatically, resulting in a smaller, lower mass, lower cost mining machine. Machine size and mobility is important. The underground mining process requires fast mobilisation and flexibility to cut turns._x000D_
Cutting rates have improved tenfold in two years. DynaCut technology is now in a precommercial phase._x000D_
This presentation will provide the industry with an update on the current state-of-the-art' with DynaCut and hard rock continuous mining systems. It will also discuss the feasibility of reaching mining's holy grail of continuous mining systems as an alternative in hard rock mining applications._x000D_
CITATION: Neilson, B, 2015. Update on the current state-of-the-art with DynaCut and hard rock continuous mining systems, in Proceedings Third International Future Mining Conference, pp 71-72 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
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  • Published: 2014
  • PDF Size: 0.1 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P2015011009

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