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Conference Proceedings

3rd Mill Operators' Conference, Cobar

Conference Proceedings

3rd Mill Operators' Conference, Cobar

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Papers in collection

  • A Method for Measuring and Comparing the Mineral Sizes of Ores from Different Origins Go to Paper
  • Crushing and Screening Operations at Bougainville Copper Limited Go to Paper
  • Defining Elura's Lead and Silver Flotation Problems Go to Paper
  • Design Selection and Application of a Pressure Filtration System to the Dewatering of Copper and Lead Sulphide Slurries Go to Paper
  • Gold, Calcite, and Other Materials on Activated Carbons from CIP Pplants Go to Paper
  • Grinding Circuit Control and Product Size Inference using the In-Circuit Cyclone Go to Paper
  • Horizontal Cyclone Plant Trials at Bouganville Copper Limited Go to Paper
  • Increased Performance Through Flash Flotation and Cyclone Optimization Go to Paper
  • InnovativeApplications of Hydrocyclonic Devices Go to Paper
  • Installation of 17 Cubic Metre Flotation Cells at North Mine, Broken Hill Go to Paper
  • Metallurgical Development of the Hellyer Ore Go to Paper
  • Milling and New Technology Go to Paper
  • Mount Isa Mines Limited Heavy Medium Preconcentration Plant- Six Years after Commisioning Go to Paper
  • Nordberg MP1000 A 1000HP Cone Crusher Go to Paper
  • Polycom High Pressure Grinding Principles and Industrial Application Go to Paper
  • Power Prediction for Cone Crushers Go to Paper
  • Recent Developments at Renison Go to Paper
  • SXHD Crusher Developments at the Copper Concentrator, Mount Isa Limited Go to Paper
  • The Application of Seperate Conditioning to Improve Zinc Metallurgy at Woodlawn Mines Go to Paper
  • The Development of the In Stream Analysis System as used at Z.C. Mines Go to Paper
  • The Granites Gold Mine Upgrading of Gravity Concentrates for Smelting Go to Paper
  • The Isa Sizer - High technology Vibrating Screen Go to Paper
  • Use of Simulation to Investigate the Performance of Autogenous Milling Circuits Go to Paper
PD Hours
Approved activity
  • Published: 1987
  • Unique ID: PA-198803

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