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Conference Proceedings

3rd Mill Operators' Conference, Cobar

Conference Proceedings

3rd Mill Operators' Conference, Cobar

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The Application of Seperate Conditioning to Improve Zinc Metallurgy at Woodlawn Mines

Poor selectivity in the separation of two sulphides generally arises because the flotation characteristics of the coarse sizes of the valuable mineral and finer sizes of non-valuable minerals are identical. Separat- ing the pulp into two size fractions at a specifically determined cut size and conditioning each size fraction with its own optimum reagent addi- tion is known to be helpful in improving such selectivity problems. The performance of the zinc section of the complex ore circuit at Wood- lawn Mines has been analysed in detail. The selective recovery of zinc was found to be a problem in zinc/pyrite separation. However, atypi- cally, the separation problem was between coarse zinc and coarse, not finer, pyrite. In spite of this the use of separate conditioning has effected significant improvements in rougher concentrate. Selectivity (and hence grade), overall recovery and flotation rate have all been enhanced. Dis- appointingly, coarse zinc recovery was not increased but, with careful optimization, this might be achieved without sacrificing the gains already realized. The technique of separate conditioning clearly has general application in other circuits where selectivity is a significant problem.
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  • Published: 1987
  • PDF Size: 0.449 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P198803019

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