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Conference Proceedings

Underground Operators Conference 2021

Conference Proceedings

Underground Operators Conference 2021

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A case study: how being ‘aware of now’ is making work safer at Telfer underground

Improving the safety culture and performance of any operation is a fundamental goal of every mine operator.
Methods of implementing, or changing a culture have developed from the early methods of operant conditioning, for example rewarding crews for achieving nominated safety milestones i.e. 3 months Lost Time Injury (LTI) free through to the current model of engaging a workforce through education and empowerment.
As a large scale and mature operation with multiple contractors, Telfer has been exposed to numerous programs throughout its history. This has provided the opportunity to build on and complement these systems by integrating key elements from each. SAFE 360° is a new approach developed to engage the workforce in a holistic approach to encourage positive behaviours across all facets of an individual’s life which results in a focus on situational awareness at all times, rather than being workplace specific. It is based on three key modules:
• Emotional Intelligence
• Mindfulness
• Situational Awareness
Each module has a series of modules that help enhance the individual’s sense of self, leading to an ability to self-reflect and self-manage whilst empowering them with the moral courage to challenge their peers to raise standards. Since commencing this SAFE 360° behavioural safety risk management journey in November 2017, we have witnessed a change in the way our workforce engages with each other, their workplace and with management. There has been an increase in hazard perception, identification and ownership of issues, and we have seen a significant decrease in site TRIFR rate from 13.7 to 5.7 (as of April 2019).
This paper will provide an overview of the program, how it has been implemented, case studies to demonstrate outcomes and KPIs used to measure effectiveness.
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  • A case study: how being ‘aware of now’ is making work safer at Telfer underground
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  • Published: 2021
  • Pages: 13
  • PDF Size: 0.852 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P-01508-G0Q4R1

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