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Conference Proceedings

Utilisation of Steelplant Slags, lllawarra

Conference Proceedings

Utilisation of Steelplant Slags, lllawarra

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Modification of Iron Blast Furnace Slag Using Sirosmelt Technology

Pilot plant trials showed the effective ness of the submerged lance SIROSMELT technology for altering the composition of iron blast furnace slags as a preliminary step to produc- tion of formed materials. Mixtures of oil and air were injected into a bath of liquid slag to provide the heat required for melting the additives and to provide very turbulent conditions which resulted in complete dissol- ution of added fluorspar within one minute and almost complete dissolution of silica in two minutes. Sulphur lost during injection was readily made up by addition of pyrite or pyrrhotite. A stable foam could be readily made and broken down and the foamed slag appeared suitable for extrusion or forming into shapes.
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  • Published: 1978
  • PDF Size: 0.273 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P197901008

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