Conference Proceedings
Water in Mining 2013
Conference Proceedings
Water in Mining 2013
Assessment of Effectiveness of Artificial Recharge for Coal Seam Gas Water Management Based on Numerical Modelling
The extraction of groundwater to produce gas from coal seam gas (CSG) reservoirs has highlighted the opportunity for beneficial uses of groundwater in Australia. This paper presents an assessment of alternate groundwater modelling approaches that can be used for assessment of one beneficial use option, that of injection. This assessment examines the outcome of the use of different simulation methods on predictions of hydrodynamic behaviour.In this paper, a simplified hydraulic concept of a multi-aquifer system within the hypothetical injection field was used to investigate the hydrodynamic behaviour of injection into the Precipice Sandstone. Comparisons were made through the analysis of a Theis 3D analytical solution with 2D and 3D numerical solutions. The paper discusses the different solution methods and the impact of these on predictions of pressure and flux. Differences in 2D and 3D solutions result in implications if planning injection as a beneficial use of water. For example, the 2D solution resulted in faster and higher injection pressure build-up when compared to the 3D solutions. The 2D modelling could result in either plans that require higher capital expenditure for a greater number of wells in order to spread the pressure effect and remain below the maximum injection pressure or a reduced injection rate. Meanwhile, the 3D modelling with sensitivity analysis could result in planning for lower capital expenditure for fewer wells required to spread the pressure effect and remain below the maximum injection pressure. CITATION:Wang, X, Herbert, S J,Rothfuss, C and Prasad, K, 2013._x000D_
Assessment of effectiveness of artificial recharge for coal seam gas water management based on numerical modelling, in Proceedings Water in Mining 2013 , pp 67-72 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
Assessment of effectiveness of artificial recharge for coal seam gas water management based on numerical modelling, in Proceedings Water in Mining 2013 , pp 67-72 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
X Wang, S J Herbert, C Rothfuss, K Prasad
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- Published: 2013
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- Unique ID: P201312010