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Conference Proceedings

World Gold '91, Cairns Qld, April 1991

Conference Proceedings

World Gold '91, Cairns Qld, April 1991

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Barrick Gold Autoclaving Processes

This paper reviews the various processes successfully in operation to treat refractory gold ores and describes in detail the alkaline pressure oxidation circuit operating at the Barrick Mercur Mine, Utah, U.S.A., on car- bonaceous/sulphide refractory ore and the acidic pressure oxidation circuit operating at the Barrick Goldstrike Mine, near Carlin, Nevada, U.S.A., on sulphide refractory ore. The autoclave process is important to Barrick for the extraction of gold. The Company has operated successfully a 750 ton per day unit at its Mercur property for the past two years and more recently has commissioned a 1500 ton per day unit at Goldstrike. The paper presents data relative to operating costs, materials of construc- tion for autoclaves and peripheral equipment, reagent requirements, and changes required during commissioning for both autoclave systems.
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  • Published: 1990
  • PDF Size: 0.661 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P199102007

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