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Conference Proceedings

World Gold '91, Cairns Qld, April 1991

Conference Proceedings

World Gold '91, Cairns Qld, April 1991

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Carbon-in-Chlorine Treatment of Refractory Gold Ores

The U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Mines, is investigating the treatment of refractory gold ores. Chlorination in the treatment of refractory gold ores is applicable in many low-grade gold operations. When usable, this treatment provides an economic means of consuming sulfides and deactivating disseminated organic carbon. Chlorination, however, is a pretreatment technique that requires the neutralization of the chlorine prior to leaching the ore with cyanide. Research by the Bureau has extended the present chlorination technology to allow for the recovery of gold without the use of cyanide and allow treatment of some ores presently deemed untreatable by gold operators using cyanidation or chlorination/cyanidation techniques. Chlorination without carbon of two carbonaceous ores extracted between 1 and 20 pct of the gold; however, carbon-in-chlorine (CICL) treatments resulted in about 90-pct recovery with a reduction in carbon loading. A statistical design campaign for stripping metallic gold from the carbon loaded in a chlorine environment demonstrated elutions exceeding 90 pct.
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  • Published: 1990
  • PDF Size: 0.603 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P199102009

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