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Conference Proceedings

World Gold '91, Cairns Qld, April 1991

Conference Proceedings

World Gold '91, Cairns Qld, April 1991

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Exploration Successes - How Have They Been Achieved

Over the past 15 years many world-class gold discoveries have been made in the region. Some deposits, such as Lihir and Porgera in P.N.G., have a contained gold resource that places them among the top dozen deposits ever found on a worldwide basis. Can we see any pattern to these discoveries, or are they the result of good luck or chance by geologists and prospectors who struck it rich? Whilst such discoveries were a feature of the gold rushes of the 1850s and the 1900s, the present boom is now scientifically based. This paper develops an argument that long-tent, multi-disciplinary exploration by experienced geoscience teams underlie the successes achieved. Dis- coveries nearly always reflect a combination of skills, drawn from the areas of geology, geochemistry, geophysics and remote sensing, and a team approach. They do not represent the chance finds of a prospector's pick or such as the Norseman discovery where the gold reef was first noted by the prospector when his horse fell over the outcrop. The following deposits provide major examples of exploration successes within the Australian-Pacific region, it is not an exhaustive list and I have noted other significant producers at the end of this paper. For the Australian mines listed and based on our estimates for 1990 gold production, they represent about 20 per cent of the Australian production total.
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  • Published: 1991
  • PDF Size: 0.526 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P199102017

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