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Conference Proceedings

World Gold '91, Cairns Qld, April 1991

Conference Proceedings

World Gold '91, Cairns Qld, April 1991

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Internalising Environmental Management - Bringing the Environment into Management

The mining industry was one of the first industry groups to be confronted by and to respond to public and government pressure to improve its environmental management. Companies operating in New Zealand and the parts of Australia with firmer environmental and planning controls responded quickly with environmental staff appointments to their development and operating arms. Even in less demanding jurisdictions in Western Australia and Papua New Guinea environmental staff were added to the payrolls. The issues then and now were seen as pollution related with land and water housekeeping leading to progressive or eventual site rehabilitation. Increasingly, however, environmental issues are being recognised as being more complex. They are about equity and social justice. Pollution of water, air or land is seen by the public as a question of personal and public rights, more or less wherever the pollution takes place, on public or private land. Environmental issues in mining have become caught up in the global perspective and a more holistic approach to environmental management. Environmental issues touch every comer of the community and action is being demanded. Nowhere is this better illustrated than on Bougainville Island where increasingly militant demands by land- owners for redress for environmental degradation from the Panguna Mine, on close examination, revealed many years of disenchant- ment with the government and the mining company over a wide range of social, cultural and environmental issues. Failure to address this satisfactorily eventually led to a bloody rebellion and finally an act of secession.
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  • Published: 1991
  • PDF Size: 0.134 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P199102031

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