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Conference Proceedings

World Gold '91, Cairns Qld, April 1991

Conference Proceedings

World Gold '91, Cairns Qld, April 1991

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Mineralisation Styles and Geochemistry in the Paddy's Flat Gold District, Meekatharra, Western Australia

The Meekatharra mining district lies in the northern pan of the Murchison Province of the Archaean Ynlgam block of Western Australia. Since dis- covery of the Paddy's Flat belt in the district in 1897 total gold production has been 67 tonnes and a further 33 tonnes in resources have been defined by drilling. The Paddy's Flat gold deposits occur within the Gabanintha Formation, a basal formation of the Murchison greenstone sequence containing komatiitic basalts, ultramafics and minor banded iron formations. The regional control on the distribution of deposits is an anastomosing shear belt which extends over 350 km and incorporates the Mt Magnet, Reedys and Meekatharra deposits. The following gold deposit styles may be recognized based on lithological association and alteration: Albite porphyry hosted, Carbonate-fuchsite- quartz alteration hosted deposits, Banded Iron Formation hosted sulphide replacement gold deposits and quartz vein deposits. With the exception of the banded iron formation hosted deposits, the Paddy's Flat alteration zone shows strong similarities to the alteration styles at Kerr-Addison (Ontario).
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  • Mineralisation Styles and Geochemistry in the Paddy's Flat Gold District, Meekatharra, Western Australia
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  • Published: 1990
  • PDF Size: 1.088 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P199102036

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