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Conference Proceedings

World Gold '91, Cairns Qld, April 1991

Conference Proceedings

World Gold '91, Cairns Qld, April 1991

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Processing Copper-Gold Ores with Ammonia or Ammonia-Cyanide Solutions

A low grade copper flotation tailing from Telfer containing 1.2% Cu as chalcocite and cuprite and 5 gt-t Au was leached with ammonia, cyanide and ammonia-cyanide mixtures to extract copper and/or gold. Direct cyanidation extracted both copper and gold but consumed about 30 kgt 1 NaCN. Pre-leaching the tailing with an aerated ammonia solution containing 28 kgt 1NH3 and 17 kgtl(NHa)2S0a at pH 10 readily extracted up to 95% Cu in about 6 hours under optimum conditions. However pH and total ammonia concentration were critical factors. Subsequent cyanidation ex- tracted 80% Au using 6 kgt NNaCN. Ammonia-cyanide mixtures werefound to selectively leach gold over copper depending on the concentration and relative proportion of NH3 and CN. The best composition for leaching up to 80% Au from Teller tailing was 1.6 kgt t NaCN and 1.1 kgf 1 NH3 in the presence of 0.3 kgt t Cue+. Such a mixture left only 50 mgL-1Cu in the final solution after precipitation of some of the initially dissolved copper.
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  • Processing Copper-Gold Ores with Ammonia or Ammonia-Cyanide Solutions
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  • Published: 1990
  • PDF Size: 0.472 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P199102045

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