Conference Proceedings
World Gold '91, Cairns Qld, April 1991
Conference Proceedings
World Gold '91, Cairns Qld, April 1991
Prospects for the Direct Leaching of Gold Tellurides - Recent Developments
Gold Tellurides are important sources of gold at Kalgoorlie, Western Australia, Cripple Creek, Colorado and Vatukoula, Fiji. Unlike free gold, the tellurides of gold are rather refractory and the usual treatment practice has been to oxidize the tellurides, either chemically or by roasting prior to cyanidation of the liberated free gold. There is a large measure of disagree- ment as to the actual cause of the refractory nature of gold tellurides. In order to investigate the leaching chemistry of gold telluride, a study was undertaken on the thermodynamics and kinetics of its dissolution using electrochemical methods. From this study suitable direct leaching condi- tions are suggested. In acidic chloride solutions gold telluride can be leached using iron(III) as the oxidant. At lower acid concentrations the reaction is controlled by the formation of a passivating film of H2TeO3. In alkaline solutions containing cyanide the rate of gold telluride dissolution increases with increasing pH and strength of oxidant. However, this can result in excessive consumption of cyanide in the presence of stronger oxidants.
S Jayasekera, I M Ritchie, J Avraamides
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- Published: 1991
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- Unique ID: P199102046