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Conference Proceedings

World Gold '97 Conference, Singapore, September 1997

Conference Proceedings

World Gold '97 Conference, Singapore, September 1997

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Comparison of Heap Leach Facility Designs

This paper compares the designs of heap leach facilities for four precious metal mining projects in the southwestern United States. These four proposed projects are of small-to medium-size relative to other operating mines in the United States, and are either permitted or in the final stages of permitting. The differences and similarities in the heap leach facility designs are compared with respect to site conditions, operating conditions and regulatory requirements. This comparison provides a summary of the state-of-practice for heap leach facility design in the southwestern United States and identifies current issues in project development and process material containment.
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  • Published: 1996
  • PDF Size: 0.396 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P199702009

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