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Conference Proceedings

World Gold '97 Conference, Singapore, September 1997

Conference Proceedings

World Gold '97 Conference, Singapore, September 1997

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Project Evaluation Due Diligence--Lessons from the Busang Saga

The general principles of technical due diligence best practice that are involved in assessing a mineral property in the early stages of its development are described and a bibliography of relevant papers is attached. The issues specific to the evaluation of gold deposits are highlighted. The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy's (The AusIMM) initiatives in this area, dealing with the proper public reporting of Reserve/Resource information (JORC Code) and property assessment/valuation (VALMIN Code), will be used as a framework against which the illegal tampering with drilling samples to artificially boost their gold content (salting) from the Busang gold deposit (Kalimantan, Indonesia), owned by Bre-X Minerals Limited (Calgary, Canada), will be reviewed. While the Busang saga was based upon fraud, through salting the samples, the general lessons to learn from such a scam are worth documenting. In Australia, most of those working in the mineral industry belong to long established professional institutes and consultant associations (eg The AusIMM or Mineral Industry Consultants Association [MICA]) that require their members to work within their technical limits and to comply with best practice guidelines, or risk being judged and found wanting by their peers in the context of strong Ethics Codes. There is also a strong interface between such representative professional bodies and the corporate and financial market regulators (ASC/ASX), which closes the monitoring loop. Canada has only now seen the wisdom of having this type of early warning system in place. Fraud and deliberate deception will be always possible, but deception on the enormous scale that occurred at Busang is most unlikely with proper surveillance systems in place and the use of accredited technical professionals. There should have been more hard data available about so big and rich a deposit owned by a C$6Bn company.
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  • Published: 1996
  • PDF Size: 1.459 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P199702025

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