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Conference Proceedings

World Gold '97 Conference, Singapore, September 1997

Conference Proceedings

World Gold '97 Conference, Singapore, September 1997

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The Bau Gold District -- East Malaysia

The Bau Goldfield lies in the southwestern corner of Sarawak in East Malaysia. Evidence of past mining in the form of open pits and adits can be found over an area of 250 sq kin, centred on the township of Bau._x000D_
Chinese were mining gold in the district as early as 1820. The Bau Goldfield so far has produced approximately two million ounces of gold, from alluvial deposits and over 50 hard rock mines. The largest single producer was the Tai Parit mine (700 000 oz) which was operated by the Borneo Company from 1898 to 1921 and by a local Malaysian family from 1991 to early-1997. Over the past ten years, gold resources totalling around one nullion ounces have been delineated through systematic exploration using modern techniques, with the bulk of the resource hosted in two deposits (Jugan and Pejiru)._x000D_
Triassic to Jurassic andesitic volcanics and coeval intrusives are the oldest rocks that crop out in the Bau Goldfield. These igneous basement rocks are unconformably overlain by 500 m of late Jurassic, massive, micritic limestone which in turn is overlain by a 1500 in thick flysch sequence, composed mainly of shale. Basement rocks and limestone are exposed along the hinge of a ENE-striking anticline that passes through the Bau district (Bau Anticline). A NNE-striking belt of Miocene granodiorite porphyry stocks and dykes also passes through the Bau Goldfield. All of the known gold deposits lie within 5 km of this zone of intnisives, with a concentration of deposits at the intersection of the intrusive hell with the Rau Anticline.
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  • Published: 1996
  • PDF Size: 1.339 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P199702029

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