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Conference Proceedings

World Gold '97 Conference, Singapore, September 1997

Conference Proceedings

World Gold '97 Conference, Singapore, September 1997

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The Process of Resettling 20 000 People in Communities Around the New Tarkwa Surface Mining Project

The resettlement and relocation program that is being carried out at Gold Fields Ghana's (GFG's) Tarkwa Mine is currently the largest of its kind in Ghana, and West Africa as a whole. While such projects have been initiated previously in Ghana, in connection with the development of the Volta River Dam, Tema, and a number of other smaller resource development projects, they were not subject to the statutory requirements of Ghana's relatively new Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Nor were they subjected to the kind of global scrutiny that is now being applied to such projects by international agencies like the World Bank. This is a result of the international community's criticism of major energy projects like the Three Gonges Dam in China and a number of similar hydro-electric projects in Southern Asia. It has meant that for this project the expectations are considerably more challenging then they have been in the past.
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  • Published: 1996
  • PDF Size: 0.092 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P199702035

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