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Conference Proceedings

World Zinc '93

Conference Proceedings

World Zinc '93

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A symposium jointly organised by The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (The AusIMM) and the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM). In both Australia and Canada there is a continuing history of discovering large zinc - lead - silver orebodies together with the mining and production of large tonnages of concentrates for both export and treatment within the two countries. Both countries are also significant exporters of zinc metal and alloys. The volume contains 79 papers covering a wide range of topics including geology of and exploration for zinc-containing orebodies mining and mineral processing hydrometallurgical and pyrometallurgical production of zinc metal the production of alloys and the uses of zinc and its alloys recycling and residue treatment.

Papers in collection

  • A Study of the Relationship Between Transportable Moisture Limit and Particle Sizing for Australian Zinc, Lead and Copper Concentrate Go to Paper
  • Broken Hill Ore Environment - Examples of Critical Guides to Ore Location Go to Paper
  • Cathode Zinc Morphology and Effects of Changed Conditions in Electrowinning Cells Go to Paper
  • Chloridisation of Zinc Ferrite in a HCI/H2O Atmosphere Go to Paper
  • Computer-Aided Design of Zinc Die Casting Dies Go to Paper
  • Concept and Operation of the New Conventional Cell House of Asturiana de Zinc at San Juan de Nieva, Spain Go to Paper
  • Continuous Improvement at Pasminco Metals - Sulphide Go to Paper
  • Continuously Cast Zinc Alloy Bar Stock - Applications and Benefits Go to Paper
  • Cyclone Smelting for Residues from Zinc Metal Production Go to Paper
  • Dendritic Growth in Cadmium Electrowinning: Rationalisation and Prediction Go to Paper
  • Development of New High-Strenght Zinc Alloys Go to Paper
  • Developments at MHD 'Berzelius' Duisburg Go to Paper
  • Developments in General Galvanising in Australia Go to Paper
  • Direct Fuming of Zinc from Sulphide Concentrates Go to Paper
  • Dugald River Deposit: Metallurgy Go to Paper
  • Effluent Treatment System at Pasminco Metals - EZ Go to Paper
  • Electrical Conductivity of Zinc Electrowinning Electrolytes Go to Paper
  • Electronic Approach to the Prediction for the Mechanical Properties of Zinc Alloys Go to Paper
  • Enhancing Zinc's Competitive Edge Through Co-operative Research Go to Paper
  • Environmental Impact of the Imperial Smelting Process Go to Paper
  • Establishing a Sustainable Competitive Position at Hilton Mine Go to Paper
  • Evaluation of Cyclical Voltammetry as an Electrolyte Screening Technique Go to Paper
  • Evidence for, and Implications of,a Genetic Relationship Between MVT and SEDEX Zinc-Lead Deposits Go to Paper
  • Experimental Work on the Reduction of Zinc Calcine in a Molten Iron Bath Go to Paper
  • Field Trials of the Mobile Miner MM130 at Broken Hill Go to Paper
  • Geohydrological Containment System and Microbial Water Treatment Plant for Metal-Contaminated Groundwater at Budelco Go to Paper
  • Geology and Genesis of the Tom Deposit, Yukon, Canada Go to Paper
  • Geology of the Century Zinc Deposit, Northwest Queensland Go to Paper
  • Geology of the Izok Massive Sulphide Deposits, Northwest Territories, Canada Go to Paper
  • Housekeeping in the Tankhouse and Remodelling of the Casting Department in the Electrolytic Zinc Plant Go to Paper
  • Improved Jarosite Process Go to Paper
  • Improved Process Control with On-Stream Analysis at Pasminco Metals - EZ, Hobbart Refinery Go to Paper
  • Improvement of Sinter Quality for the ISP Go to Paper
  • Metal Ion Adsorption and Collectorless Flotation of Synthetic Sphalerite Go to Paper
  • Metallurgical Aspects of the Use of Nickel in Galvanising Go to Paper
  • Mining Zinc-Rich Massive Sulphide Deposits on Vancouver Island, British Columbia Go to Paper
  • Nanisivik Mine - Operations and Innovations in a Arctic Environment Go to Paper
  • New Circuits for the Treatment of Fine-Grained Zinc/Lead Ore at the Sullivan Concentrator Go to Paper
  • Novel Solvent Extractions Reagents - The Key to New Zinc Processing Technology Go to Paper
  • Overcoming Obstacles in Smelter Debottlenecking - Experience of a Primary Zinc Smelter Go to Paper
  • Overview on the Development of Zinc-Based Metal Matrix Composites Go to Paper
  • Process Developments in Pressure Die Casting of Zinc Alloys - Towards the Year 2000 Go to Paper
  • Production of Zinc in the Modernised Pasminco Metals - EZ Plant, Hobart Tasmania Go to Paper
  • Recent Advances in Zinclor Technology Go to Paper
  • Recent Development in Solution Purification at Outokumpu Zinc Plant, Kokkola Go to Paper
  • Recent Improvements to Operations and Control of Pasminco Metals - BHAS Zinc Plant Go to Paper
  • Recent International Trends in Continuous Galvanising Go to Paper
  • Recent Operation at Harima Works Go to Paper
  • Recovery of Metallic Zinc from Bath-Smelting Gases - Thermodynamic Considerations Go to Paper
  • Recovery of Metallic Zinc from Steelmaking Dusts by the Reduction-Vapour Depositions Process Go to Paper
  • Recycling Galvanised Steel: Operating Experience and Benefits Go to Paper
  • Recycling of Zinc-Bearing Materials: A Valuable 'Land Mine' for Zinc Smelters Go to Paper
  • Road to Recovery - Metallurgical Improvements at Brunswick Mining and Smelting Corporation Limited Go to Paper
  • Silica Control During Zinc Calcine Leacing at Cominco's Trail Operations Go to Paper
  • The Behaviour of Indium During Jarosite Precipitation Go to Paper
  • The Behaviour of Sulphur in the Sherritt Zinc Pressure Leach Process Go to Paper
  • The CENIM_LNETI Process for Zinc Recovery from Complex Sulphides Go to Paper
  • The Development of a Zinc-Based Touch-Up Solder for General Galvanised Products Go to Paper
  • The Dugald River Zinc-Lead-Silver Deposit; An Example of a Tectonised Proterozoic Sratabound Sulphide Deposit Go to Paper
  • The Effect of Sulphur on the Rate of Reduction of Zinc Oxide from Slag Go to Paper
  • The EZINEX Process - A New and Advanced Way for Electrowinning Zinc From a Chloride Solution Go to Paper
  • The Geophysical Properties of Zinc Deposits Go to Paper
  • The McArthur River Project Go to Paper
  • The Mining of J Lens Go to Paper
  • The Removal of Cobalt from Zinc Sulphate Electrolytes Using the Copper-Antimony Process: Kinetics, Mechanisms and Morphological Characterisation Go to Paper
  • The Sherritt Two-Stage Zinc Pressure Leach Process with Hematite Precipitation Go to Paper
  • The Solvent Extraction - Electrowinning Recovery of Zinc from Eskay Creek Pressure Oxidation Solutions Using Cyanex 302 Extractant Go to Paper
  • The Thermodynamics of Zinc Oxide in Iron Silicate Slags Go to Paper
  • The Warner Zinc Process Go to Paper
  • Understanding the Susceptibility of the ZA-27 Zinc Base Alloy to mAcrosegregation and Inverted Pipe Formation Go to Paper
  • VHMS Deposit Go to Paper
  • Waste Processing in the Zinc Industry Using Ausmelt Technology Go to Paper
  • Zinc - Environment Constraints and Opportunities fof a Base Metal Go to Paper
  • Zinc Concentrate and Processing Trends Go to Paper
  • Zinc Flotation at Roseberry - Complex but Not Difficult Go to Paper
  • Zinc Markets - Not just Coatings and Casting Go to Paper
  • Zinc Mining in Permafrost at Polaris Go to Paper
  • Zinc-Rich Massive Sulphide Deposits in Tasmania Go to Paper
PD Hours
Approved activity
  • Published: 1992
  • Unique ID: PA-199307

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