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Conference Proceedings

World Zinc '93

Conference Proceedings

World Zinc '93

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Development of New High-Strenght Zinc Alloys

New high-strength Zn alloys for moulds are demanded from the automobile and electric industries in Japan, because the s rength of Zn moulds is still not high enough for the mass production. There are two approaches to improve the strength of Zn alloys. One is to increase the Al content. ZA alloys (ZA-8, ZA-12, ZA-27) were developed through this approach. The other is to increase the Cu content. But it is known that an increase in Cu generally depresses the castability of Zn alloys, so that the alloys with increased Cu have been rarely studied until now. In this study a reconciliation between the strengthening and the castability of Zn alloys by enriching both with Al and Cu has been attempted. Accordingly we have studied on the Zn alloys containing 4 to 25 mass per cent Al and to 24 mass per cent Cu have been studied. Their fluidity, which primarily corresponds to the castability of the alloy, were measured first and 19 alloys were selected based upon their fluidities and casting temperatures.
Mainly the mechanical properties of all 19 alloys were tested and some were found to be excellent in both strength and castability. Z1009 (Zn-IOAI-9Cu-0.02Mg alloy) cast in a sand mould has the tensile strength of 360 MPa while ZAS (Zn-4AI-3Cu-0.04Mg alloy), which is the most popular alloy for moulds, is 215 MPa. Z2520 (Zn-25AI-20Cu-0.02Mg alloy) cast in a sand mould has a Vickers hardness of 178, compared to 107 for ZAS and 104 for ZA-27 (Zn-27AI-2Cu-0.02Mg). Furthermore the castability of Z1009 is as good as that of ZAS. The underside shrinkage occuring in casting ZA-27 is restrained in Z2520.
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  • Published: 1992
  • PDF Size: 0.513 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P199307011

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