Conference Proceedings
XVIII International Mineral Processing Congress - Five Volume Set
Conference Proceedings
XVIII International Mineral Processing Congress - Five Volume Set
The five volumes containing over 200 papers provides the material to review and be updated on the world's mineral processing industry.
The volumes include papers covering the traditional areas of mineral processing of comminution flotation and gravity seperation as well as new technology and its application education the strategic role of mineral processing and applications in waste processing and recycling.
This publication is out of print.
The volumes include papers covering the traditional areas of mineral processing of comminution flotation and gravity seperation as well as new technology and its application education the strategic role of mineral processing and applications in waste processing and recycling.
This publication is out of print.
Papers in collection
- A Combined Hydrodynamic-Surface Force Model for Bubble-Particle Collection Go to Paper
- A Double Drum Separator for Triboelectric Separation of Very Fine Materials Go to Paper
- A Flotation Study for Effective Separation of the Heavy Mineral Sands Go to Paper
- A Investigation to Increase the Efficiency of Coarse and Fine Particle Flotation in Ore Processing of Non-Ferrous Metals Go to Paper
- A Mathematical Model of the Shaking Table and its Application Go to Paper
- A Model-Based Methodology for Steady State and Dynamic Optimisation of Autogenous and Semiautogenous Grinding Mills Go to Paper
- A New Conceptual Model for Ball Milling Go to Paper
- A New Flotation Technique for Feldspar-Quartz Separation Go to Paper
- A New Flotation Technique for Producing High-Purity Magnesite Concentrates from Low Grade Magnesite Ores Go to Paper
- A New Gold Lixiviant - CSUT(1) Go to Paper
- A New Grapho-Analytical Method to Investigate the Dynamics of the Main and Auxiliary Concentration Processes Go to Paper
- A New Macrophenomenological Concept of Comminution in Ball Mills Go to Paper
- A New Reagent for Selective Flotation of Copper Sulphides Go to Paper
- A New Simulation Algorithm for Ball Mills Conversion Method Go to Paper
- A New Type of Continuous Processing HGMS and its Magnet System Go to Paper
- A SAG Mill Circuit Simulator Based on a Simplified Mechanistic Model Go to Paper
- A Study of Crystal-Morphological Properties of Zirconium-Containing Minerals and Development of their Effective Recovery Methods from Ores Go to Paper
- A Study of Iron Removal from Kine Kaolin by Two-Liquid Flotation Go to Paper
- A Study of Layout Design Expert System for Mineral Concentrator Go to Paper
- A Study on the Beneficiation and Application of Fly Ash from Power Plants Go to Paper
- A Study on the Cycle of Movable-Screen Jigs Go to Paper
- A Study on the Separation of Fine Cassiterite and Quartz by Liquid-Liquid Extraction Go to Paper
- Absorption of Nonionic Surfctants, Anionic/Nonionic Surfactatant Mixtures, and Hydrophobically Modified Polymers on Minerals and its Effect on their Flotation and Dispersion Go to Paper
- Adsorption of Thiol Collectors on Sulphide Minerals and Precious Metals - A New Perspective Go to Paper
- An Approach to the Development of Technological Flowsheets for Raw Material Beneficiation Using New Flotation Reagent Systems Go to Paper
- An Experimental Research on the Comminution Law and Work Index Concepts in Jaw Crushers Go to Paper
- Application of Biotechnology in the Mineral, Metal Refining and Fossil-Fuel Processing Industries Go to Paper
- Application of Mineral Processing in Waste Treatment and Scrap Recycling Go to Paper
- Assessing the Role of Mineral in the Economic Development of the Host Country Go to Paper
- Assessment of the Functionality of Selection and Breakage Rate Functions in Grinding Systems Go to Paper
- Autogenous Carrier Flotation of Ilmenite Go to Paper
- Basic Studies on the Bulk Precipitates Formed from Iron Salt and Xanthate Solutions Go to Paper
- Beneficiation of a Turkish Bastnaesite Ore with Associated Fluospar and Barite Go to Paper
- Beneficiation Studies on Alumina-Rich Indian Iron Ore Slimes Using Selective Dispersants, Flocculants and Flotation Collectors Go to Paper
- Biohydrometallurgy of Gold: Present-Day Status and Future Prospects Go to Paper
- Calculation of Hydrodynamic Interaction of a Mineral Particle with a Bubble Under Conditions of Mixed Sorption Coating of Collector Go to Paper
- Capillary Filtration - The Harnessing of Natural Forces to Serve the Process Industry Go to Paper
- Carboxylic Acids Modified by Dithio Fragments as Reagents for Gold and Copper Containing Ores Flotation Go to Paper
- Celestite Ore Upgrading - From Laboratory to Mill Go to Paper
- Centrifugal Flotation of Coal at Particle Sizes Below 20 ?m Go to Paper
- Chalcopyrite Flotation and Liberation Characteristics Before and After Autogenous Grinding at Mount Isa Mines Limited Go to Paper
- Characterisation and Treatment of Polluted Material - An Environmental Application of Mineral Processing Technology Go to Paper
- Chelating Agents for Selective Flotation of Minerals Go to Paper
- Chemical Leaching of Iron from Industrial Minerals Go to Paper
- Choosing a Water Collector for Matte Separation Go to Paper
- CIL Gold Leaching and Adsorption with a Deficiency in Free Cyanide Go to Paper
- Classification and Partition Performance of Dense Medium Cyclones Go to Paper
- Coal and Minerals Comminution with High Pressure Waterjet Assistance Go to Paper
- Collector-Extender Flotation in the Processsing of Coarse Fractions of Potash Ores Go to Paper
- Column Flotation of Gold Bearing Iron Sulphides Go to Paper
- Commercial Equipment Designed to Recover Gold from Gravitational Concentrates by Means of Magnetic Separation and the Separation in Magnetic Fluids Go to Paper
- Comminution of Minerals on a Laboratory-size Choke-fed High-Pressure Roll Mill Go to Paper
- Comminution Research - A Success Story that has not yet Ended Go to Paper
- Comparison of Merrill-Crowe Precipitation and Carbon Adsorption for Precious Metals Recovery Go to Paper
- Concentrator Optimisation Go to Paper
- Constraining Parameters in Mineral Processing Simulator Calibration Problems through the Use of Transforms. Go to Paper
- Continuous Control of Dense Medium Cyclone Separation Density Go to Paper
- Continuous Hyperbaric Filtration of Copper Concentrates Go to Paper
- Density Separations in Heavy Inorganic Liquid Suspensions Go to Paper
- Depression of Arsenopyrite Flotation and its Separation from Pyrite in Guangxi Shanhu Tin Mine Go to Paper
- Description of Effective Technology for Silver Recovery from Zinc Cakes Obtained as by-Product in Metallurgical Zinc Plants Go to Paper
- Design and Scale-Up Criteria for Column Flotation Go to Paper
- Design, Simulation and Operation of a New Generation of Column Flotation Machines Go to Paper
- Development of a Process for Recovery of Rare Earths from the Mt Weld Oredbody Go to Paper
- Discussion of some Technological Problems in Increasing the Recovery of Gold and Silver Associated with Sulphides Go to Paper
- Dressing of Carbonates by Decrepitation Go to Paper
- Ecological Outlook for the New Technology of the Copper-Nickel Ore Benefication Based on the Flotation with Nitrogen Go to Paper
- Effect of Coarse Particles in Mineral Flotation Go to Paper
- Effect of Cupric on the Separation of Pyrite from Arsenopyrite Go to Paper
- Effect of Liberation on the Flotation Performance of a Complex Ore Go to Paper
- Effect of the Air Core on the Performance of a Hydrocyclone Go to Paper
- Effects of Froth Properties to the Behaviour of Flotation Go to Paper
- Elaboration, Testing and Introduction of Hydrothermal Sulphurisation Technology of Oxidised and Mixed Copper Ores Go to Paper
- Electrochemistry and Mechanism of Leaching Gold with Ammnoniacal Thiosulphate Go to Paper
- Electrostatic Upgrading of Phosphate Ores Go to Paper
- Evaluation of Mineral Processing Effectiveness and Causes of Mineral Losses Go to Paper
- Factors Affecting the Performance of the Fuzzy Control System for Mineral Processing - A Simulation Study Go to Paper
- Flocculation Behaviour of Dolomite Go to Paper
- Flocculation-Column Flotation of Fine Particles Based on Frother and Flocculant Control Go to Paper
- Flotation Characterisation of Iron Ores Go to Paper
- Flotation Method for Desulphurisation and Dedusting of Flue Gases Go to Paper
- Flotation of Monazlte-Zircon-Rutile with Sodium Oleate and Hydroxamates Go to Paper
- Flotation Separation of Scheelite from Calcite Using Alkylated 8-Hydroxyquinolines as Modifier Go to Paper
- Frother Evaluation Go to Paper
- Fundamentals and System Research in Ultrasonic Comminution Technology Go to Paper
- Grindability of Indonesian Coals Go to Paper
- Grinding Control at the Fan Kou Mine Go to Paper
- Grinding, Pulp Chemistry and Particle Flotability Go to Paper
- High Pressure Particle Bed Comminution of Ores Minerals a Challenge Go to Paper
- Hydrodynamics of a Downflow Column Go to Paper
- Improving Fine Particle Flotation Selectivity at Hellyer Go to Paper
- Industrial Applications of the High-Intensity Rare Earth Drum Magnetic Separator Go to Paper
- Influence of the Surface Chemistry and Structure of Activated Carbon on the Adsorption of Aurocyanide Go to Paper
- Integrated Expert Control System for Grinding and Flotation Go to Paper
- Intensification of Flotation Processing of Copper-Nickel Ores Go to Paper
- Interaction Between Finely Ground Pyrite with Potassium Amylxanthate in Flotation: Influence of pH, Grinding Media and Collector Concentration Go to Paper
- Interaction Mechanism of a New Chelating Collector and Copper Sulphide Minerals Go to Paper
- Interparticle Breakage of Very Fine Materials by Alternating Crosswise Stressing with a High Pressure Go to Paper
- Investigations on Adsorption and Mobilisation of Main Components of Bituminous Coal Flotation Reagents Using the C-Radiotracer Method Go to Paper
- Investigations on the Influence of Particle Size in Flotation Go to Paper
- Iron Ore Concentration by Magnetoflotation Go to Paper
- Jameson Cell Test Work on Copper Streams in the Copper Concentrator of Mount Isa Mines Limited Go to Paper
- Limitations in the Application of Column Flotation Go to Paper
- Magnetic Separation in a Flat OGMS with a Multizone Chamber Go to Paper
- Material Flow in Acceleration Zone and Throughput of High Pressure Roller Mills Go to Paper
- Mathematical Modelling the Process of Separation of the Raw Materials in the Column Flotation Machine Go to Paper
- Mechanism of Anionic Collector Adsorption in Chromite Flotation Go to Paper
- Mechanisms Involved in Thermal Comminution Go to Paper
- Mill Scaleup: Ball Collision Frequency and Collision Energy Density in Laboratory and Plant-Scale Mills Go to Paper
- Mineral Liberation in Continuous Milling Circuits Go to Paper
- Mineral Liberation Prediction - Contribution of Image Analysis Based on Mathematical Morphology Go to Paper
- Mineral Processing Beyond 2000- Education for New Technology Go to Paper
- Mineral Processing Design and Simulation Using Geostatistical Modelling of Ore Characteristics Go to Paper
- Modelling and Analysis of Dimensionless Variables in Air-Sparged Hydrocyclone (ASH) Flotation for Fine Coal Cleaning Go to Paper
- Modelling and Simulation of Cone Classifiers Go to Paper
- Modelling Based on the Similarity Principle and Variables Optimisation on Hydrocyclone Classifiers Go to Paper
- Modelling of the Turbulent Cross-Flow Classification in Special Consideration of Non-Steady States Go to Paper
- Modelling the Basic Separation Phenomena in Flowing Film Concentration Processes Go to Paper
- Multivariable and Optimising Mill Control the South African Experience Go to Paper
- New Celebration Tailings Treatment Plant 18 Months Later Go to Paper
- New Methods for the Control of Autogenous Grinding Circuit Go to Paper
- New Solid and Liquid Ion Exchange Extractants for Gold Go to Paper
- New Technology and Equipment for Gold and Silver Leaching from Gravity Concentrates Go to Paper
- Oil Agglomeration of Metal Oxide Minerals Go to Paper
- On Line Determination of the Density of Granular Material by Dry Method Go to Paper
- On-Line Determination of Free and Bound Moisture in Iron Ore Go to Paper
- On-Line Determination of Particle Size in Alumina Precipitation Go to Paper
- On-line Estimation of Fine and Coarse Ore, Water, Grinding Rate, and Discharge Rates in Semiautogenous Grinding Mills Go to Paper
- Optimally Designed Sluice-Boxes for Small-Scale Gold Mining Operations in Papua New Guinea Go to Paper
- Optimisation of Ball Charge Kinetics in Ball Mills Go to Paper
- Oxygen Mass Transfer Rate Measurements Under Different Hydrodynamic Regimes Go to Paper
- Particulate Fluids - A Key Concept in Advanced Mineral Processing Go to Paper
- Pellestising of Fine Industrial Solid Wastes: A Contribution to the Protection of the Environment Go to Paper
- Phenomenological Modelling of the High Pressure Grinding Rolls Go to Paper
- Pneumatic Flotation: A Reliable Procedure for a Correct Plant Layout Go to Paper
- Polysaccharides - Emerging Non-Toxic Modiflers for Differential Flotation of Sulphides Go to Paper
- Potential Cadjebut Plant Performance Enhancement by the Air-Sparged Hydrocyclone Go to Paper
- Precipitate Flotation for the Removal of Heavy Metals and Cyanide from Metallurgical Effluents Go to Paper
- Precipitation in Hydrometallurgy Go to Paper
- Preprocessing of a Cyanided Gold Calcine Go to Paper
- Process Design for Flocculation, Clarification and Thickening of Fine-Particle Suspensions Go to Paper
- Production of Submicron Particles by Autogenous Grinding with a Stirred Mill Go to Paper
- Properties of Surface Films on Chalcopyrite and Pyrite and their Influence in Flotation Go to Paper
- Purification of Gsgruvan Calcite by Anionic and Cationic Flotation Go to Paper
- Quantum Chemical Approach to the Adsorption of Mercaptobenzothiazole on Pyrite by the Molecular Orbital Method Go to Paper
- Recent Development in the Use of Dynamic Tomographic Imaging for the Design and Control of Mineral Processing Plant Go to Paper
- Recent Advances in the Simulation of Mineral Processing Circuits Using Artificial Intelligence Go to Paper
- Recovery and Removal of Uranium by Using Biosubstances Go to Paper
- Recovery of Gold from Acidic Solutions of Thiourea by Adsorption on Activated Carbon Go to Paper
- Recovery of Minus 100 Micron Hematite by Wet High Intensity Magnetic Separation Go to Paper
- Removal of Radioactivity from Mineral Sands Products Go to Paper
- Research into the Effect of Combined Modifiers in Magnesite Flotation Go to Paper
- Research on the Solid-Liquid Two-Phase Flow Field in Hydrocyclones Go to Paper
- Resistance to the Introduction and Testing of New Technology in Mineral Procesing Go to Paper
- Resource Saving Technology of Comminution Go to Paper
- Rough Diamonds Treatment Technique Aiming at Ensuring Preservation of Original Grains: Process Design and Inculcation into Industry Go to Paper
- Screening Process: Modelling and Application of the Model to Sizing of Screens Go to Paper
- Segregation of Grained Material - Conditions and Possibilities of Evaluation Go to Paper
- Selective Leaching of Low Grade Middlings from Lead-Zinc Flotation Go to Paper
- Separating Molybdenite from Graphite Complex and its Mechanism Go to Paper
- Shape Classification for Fine Particles by Rotary Drum Type Separator Go to Paper
- Sheet Flotation - Two Dimensional Packed Columns Go to Paper
- Similarity Modeling and Multi-Objective Optimisation of Balls Mills Go to Paper
- Simulation Examination of Compaction of Fine-Grained Waste Materials in Roll Presses Go to Paper
- Simulation of Grinding and Mineral Liberation Processes in Industrial Circuits: A Non-Linear Model Go to Paper
- Solution Chemistry of Mixed Cationic/Anionic Collectors and Flotation Separation of Feldspar from Quartz Go to Paper
- Some Chemical Aspects of Gold Particles Flotation Go to Paper
- Some New Collector Products for Improving the Performance of Industrial Flotation Circuits Go to Paper
- Special Development of KHD in Communition Technology Go to Paper
- Spiral Classifiers and Cyclones - Comparison of Classification Costs Go to Paper
- Structure of Thiol Collector Layers on Sulphide Surfaces Go to Paper
- Studies on a New Type of Composed-Forces Field Separator Go to Paper
- Study of Surface Properties in Agglomeration Processes Go to Paper
- Study on a New Technology of Separating Seabeach Placer with Mixed Collectors Go to Paper
- Study on Rare Earth Minerals Flotation with New Collector - H2O5 Go to Paper
- Sulphide Mineral Flotation by Using Portland Cement as a Depressor Go to Paper
- Synergistic Extraction of Gold from Sulphuric Acid Solution Go to Paper
- Technology and Equipment for X-Ray Radiometric Sorting of Secondary Metallic Raw Materials Go to Paper
- Technology of Sulphidisation and Flotation of Non-Sulphide Minerals with Sodium Polysulphides Go to Paper
- The Application of Population Balance Models to very Fine Grinding in Tower Mills Go to Paper
- The Automatic Indentification and Quantification of Silver Minerals Go to Paper
- The Autoxidation of the Thiolate Collectors Catalysed by Cobalt (II) Phthalocyanines and its Influence on the Sulphide Flotation Go to Paper
- The Behaviour of Individual Uranium Bearing Minerals During Froth Flotation Go to Paper
- The Commercial Application of the New Two-Stage Jones WHIMS Process for Martitic Iron Ores at the Fbrica Mine of Ferteco Minerao SA, Brazil Go to Paper
- The Effect of Crystal Chemistry Properties on the Flotability of Apatite Go to Paper
- The Effect of Moisture on Screen Performance Go to Paper
- The Effect of Oxidation on the Flotation Behaviour of Nickel-Copper Ores Go to Paper
- The Influence of Molecular Structure of Ampholytic Polymers on their Behaviour and Flocculation Activity in Sedimentation Processes Go to Paper
- The Influence of Slurry Rheology on Ultra-Fine Grinding in a Stirred Ball Mill Go to Paper
- The Interactive Effect of Flowsheet Design on Beneficiation of Complex Sulphide Ores Go to Paper
- The Liberation Performance of a Grinding Circuit Treating Gold Bearing Ore Go to Paper
- The Management Training of Final Year Minerals Engineering Students Go to Paper
- The Measurement of Liberation in Section Go to Paper
- The Mechanism of Xanthate Adsorption on Pyrite Go to Paper
- The Photoelectrochemistry of Pyrite and Galena Go to Paper
- The Rationale and Evolution of a Post-Graduate Diploma in Minerals Processing Technology at La Trobe University College of Northern Victoria Go to Paper
- The Recovery of Nickel and Gold from Sulphide Concentrates Go to Paper
- The Response of an Uniform Jig Bed in Terms of the Porosity Distribution Go to Paper
- The Role of Rock Fabric in Controlling Crushing Strength: Numerical Experiments Go to Paper
- The Role of Surface Silanol Groups in Flotation Separation of Quartz from Feldspar using Nonionic Surfactants Go to Paper
- The Round Diaphragm Jig 'Trud-12' with a Movable Sieve an Advance in the Gravity Concentration of Ores Go to Paper
- The Selective Ion Flotation of Gold Cyanide from a Heap Leach Mine Feed Liquor Go to Paper
- The Separation of Natroalunite from Kaolin by Selective Flocculation Go to Paper
- The Strategic Role of Mineral Processing for BHP Minerals Go to Paper
- The Study of Pulp Electrochemical Flotation Separation of Pyrite and Arsenopyrite Go to Paper
- The Technology of Gold Recovery from Black Sands by the Method of Liquid Phase Chlorination Go to Paper
- The Testing of Autogenous Grinding in Laboratory and Pilot Scale and the Design of Full Scale Comminution Circuits Go to Paper
- The Use of Horizontal to Improve the Effectiveness of Column Flotation of Coal Go to Paper
- Theoritical Studies and Production Practice of Acidless and Fluoless Flotation of Silica Sand Go to Paper
- Thiorea Leaching of a Refractory Gold Ore Go to Paper
- Thirty-Year Plant Practice of Sulphidisation - Flotation of Copper Oxidised Ores Go to Paper
- Ultra Fine Grinding in an Impact Grinding Machine and its Limits of Application Go to Paper
- Ultrafine Grinding with Solid Additives Go to Paper
- Use of Advanced Computation for Predicting the Behaviour of Fine Mineral Dispersions Go to Paper
- Use of Carbon-in-Pulp Process in Russia Go to Paper
- Water Contents in Flotation Froths Go to Paper
- Why is the Mineral Processing Field Behind in the Application of New Technology? Go to Paper
F L Lederman, K Malysa, V K Chernov, G I Voiloshnikov, V V Elshin, A F Rashchenko, V V Khomutov, R A Williams, X Jia, J Pollmanns, G J Pollmans, H Hoberg, F U Schneider, K Leschonski, R Drogemeler, W Zhang, C L Caldeira, V S T Ciminelli, J Tang, B Sun, Z Cheng, X Chen, H Zhao, S Zhang, S K Kawatra, T C Eisele, P Kolvistoinen, R Kalapudas, P Morsky, M Virtanen, H Natunen, P Solozhenkin, S V Volkov, L M Shaluhina, Z A Zichenko, A F Emelyanov, Z A Fokina, Q Feng, S Xu, J Chen, C E Palethorpe, K Wei, H Liu, S Chen, K P Galvin, M D Engel, S K Nicol, L A Mitin, M S E Salmawy, Y Nakahiro, T Wakamatsu, I H Clark, H J Witteveen, W L Dalmijn, H J L vd Valk, I J Corrans, G D Johnson, J E Angove, C Swaminathan, R F Johnston, P E Richardson, Y Q Li, R H Yoon, J S Hanson, D W Fuerstenau, D Sutherland, G Leigh, G Gottlieb, G Wilkie, J S J Van Deventer, L Lorenzen, S Morrell, R Dunne, W Finch, S Bulatovic, D Newman, D M Wyslouzil, M Gao, E Forssberg, C H Schafer, S Kelebek, T E Norgate, K R Weller, A J Rodrigues, P R G Brandao, H Heep, T Heyer, H D Wasmuth, G P Muller, V E Vigdergauz, V V Faidel, V A Chanturiya, N G Yagodkina, T I Yushina, A K Yatsimirsky, P Gottlieb, E Ho-Tun, P S B Stewart, U J Sterns, L A Glazunov, N S Bekturganov, I Satayev, M Krotkov, I Sh Satayev, D V Shepelev, M Niinae, A Oboso, Y Takenaka, J Oh, M Kim, L Che, T Jiaying, S Baoqi, C Zhengbing, L Wenguang, J R Baptista de Lima, A P Chaves, P Yang, S Liu, Y Zhu, E Suoninen, K Laajalehto, I T Asatsuma, E S Campos, J R Baptita de Lima, A Farahmand, R R Klimpel, B S Fee, F F Lins, R Adamian, K H Rao, K S E Forssberg, Y B Kremer, L S Gurevich, L I Blekhman, Z Drzymala, M Hryniewicz, G Gai, B Chen, T Meloy, M Williams, S Sano, M Nikaido, Y Kanda, J Zou, J Dong, L Cui, C Y Cheng, C J Clarkson, E V Manlapig, F Lawson, K Sztaba, L A Vaisberg, D H Rubisov, L P Zarogatsky, G A Denisov, G V Gubin, A K Yeliseyev, A M Shestakov, R Mozley, L-Y Chu, W-M Chen, J Mao, Z Zhang, K P Hart, R A Day, P J McGlinn, D M Levins, R Stanojevic, D J Miller, D G James, J H Turner, C M Juarez, J F Oliveira, T Sakaguchi, A Nakajima, C Aldrich, T J van der Walt, M A Reuter, F J Dickin, K Takashashi, O Hayashida, Y Numata, J Pang, S Chander, M Hasegawa, Y Hayashi, T Ishikawa, H Nagaoka, R Hogg, C Lucion, J De Cuyper, F Habashi, M E M C Silva, M J G Salum, A Correa de Araujo, M W Baker, G J Willey, J S Laskowski, S Subramanian, G A Nyamekye, R M Imhof, R M Lotzien, S Sobek, L G Austin, I L Lim, M Gazarek, V Premur, T W Healy, D V Boger, L R White, P J Scales, J D M McLaughlin, P Quinn, G E Agar, J Y Cloutier, G Dube, A LeClerc, M Grujic, D Salatic, G K N S Subasinghe, R Amestica, G D Gonzalez, J Menacho, J Barria, B D Sowerby, P T Rafter, V Yip, N G Cutmore, I Tarjan, B Csoke, J Bohm, W Chen, D Zhu, V M Mullov, G B Rashkovski, G A Kordosky, M H Kotze, J M W Mackenzie, M J Virnig, J Miettunen, S Lahteenmaki, S L Jamsa-Jouneia, V Martins, G Delahey, G Metzner, G Ferrara, U Preti, P Bevilacqua, K Graichen, Y Han, T Kojovic, W J Whiten, L Jiang, Y Ye, J D Miller, M Guarascio, P Massacci, A K Lynch, C Guimaraes, P Pina, M J Pereira, R P King, C L Schneider, R K Rajamani, S Agrawala, B K Mishra, W T Hennies, H Delboni Jr, A Guney, G Onal, M Z Dogan, M S Celik, D V Shekhirev, L O Filippov, V D Samyguin, U Lubjuhn, K Schonert, V L Borzov, T Y Dmitrievskaya, I V Kuftinova, P A Cheremnykh, V N Yaremenko, B J Huls, S R Williams, B W Atkinson, P T Griffin, G J Jameson, R Espinosa-Gomez, T Yalcin, R Li, R Diegel, F U Schnieder, Y Reichardt, A M Marabini, M Barbaro, A Falbo, C Cozza, S Quarestima, J M Cases, Ph De Donato, M Kongolo, L J Michot, V A Chanturia, V D Lunin, T N Matveeva, V A Ivanov, K Pulkkinen, R Ylinen, S L Jamsa-Jounela, M Jarvensivu, M D Adams, D A Norrgran, R A Merwin, G S Lane, G D Richmond, M M Marchese, A Uribe-Salas, J A Finch, M J G Battersby, H Kellerwessei, G Oberheuser, T V Subrahmanyam, J Lu, J H Lin, N Standish, A B Yu, H L Azahari, Y C Lo, P Kientzler, J D M Laughlln, G Robertson, O Ozcan, N Yavasoglu, AN Bulutcu, O Recepoglu, R Tolun, O Pavez, E C Peres, R Varbanov, J S Hnanson, J T Hinkley, J B Smitham, N Smith, X Qiu, B Dobias, B M Moudgil, S Behl, T Inoue, K Okaya, Z Blaschke, A Siwiec, R Ciccu, M Ghiani, R Peretti, F Satta, A Zucca, T Jiang, K Heiskanen, J Kallioinen, A Barrientos, R Sampaio, F Concha, J A Frew, K J Davey, G M Li, U Shinnosuke, H E Zhang, D Wang, G Qu, J Xu, V Rybas, V Volkov, V Ivanov, M Mantsevich, G Ponomarov, L Turcaniova, K Ellias, B Plesingerova, K Tkacova, D Stevak, F Yang, H Gao, R Ring, K Soldenhoff, A Bellingham, S Brown, D Collier, A Day, D Levins, C Quan, R Secomb, G Tapsell, D Kingsnorth, M Chan, J Rubinstein, M P Gerasimenko, G H Luttrell, M J Mankosa, R-H Yoon, J I Eropkin, N V Knodov, O K Kuznetzou, N D Malinovskaja, I I Maximov, L A Otrozdenova, I S Sataev, X Qian, D Rhodes, S T Hall, N J Miles, J Haintz, E Steinlechner, G Ehlert, R Keast-Jones, K R S Horrocks, J F Ellison, E T Heijden, R D Morrison, J O Marsden, M C Fuerstenau, P C Kapur, O Gutsche, R D Smolkin, V S Krokhmai, O P Sayko, C T O'Connor, R C Dunne, K H Schommarz, C M Goodall, Q Dai, M Mazurkiewicz, G Galecki, C J Restarick, G J Parsons, L A Newcombe, D W Derham, J D McLaughlin, G E Robertson, B Passariello, M A Esposito, P Somasundaran, D R Nagaraj, O E Kuzugundenli, J Bovendeur, L K Griffin, N W Johnson, C Bothe, R Houot, R Joussemet, F Fabre, A Gornostal, A Avrakhov, A Abdurazakov, B Ekberg, J Haartti, O I Vinogradova, S N Groudev, V I Groudeva, Pradip, S A Ravishankar, T A P Sankar, N K Khosia, L Currelli, A Fuganti, Q Zhang, S R Rao, Z Chen, H Dong, M C Williams, T P Meloy, G D Schena, R J Gochin, C C Mwaba, M Cardu, C Clerici, A F Morandini, R Mancini, E Occella, V A Arsentyev, T V Dendyuk, C I Basillo, Q Xu, B Hu, D T Wakamatsu, C Sun, Y Sun, Z L Li, H Wang, F Zhang, Z Cai, L Zhou, X Hui, V I Beloborodov, I B Zakharova, V G Nevolina, L Magne, O Castro, P He, Y S Zhong, W Xaio, A Marabini, V Alesse, G Belardi, A P Yovanovic, H P Moura, S B Leonov, S W Eoffe, D Li, Y Hu, H Lu, W Xue, Y Liu, H Gong, J Qiu, K Zhang, F Bourgeois, J A Herbst, W T Pate, W Wang, H Shu, C Jin, I I Maksimov, L A Otrozhdennova, A D Borkin, M F Yemelyanov, T Y Koltunova, N D Malinovskaya, L A Nechay, T Harada, S Owada, T Takiuchi, M Kurita, K Eichas, B K Schimmoller
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- Published: 1993
- Unique ID: PA-199303