Conference Proceedings
XVIII International Mineral Processing Congress - Five Volume Set
Conference Proceedings
XVIII International Mineral Processing Congress - Five Volume Set
Design, Simulation and Operation of a New Generation of Column Flotation Machines
The authors consider the features and advantages of a new promising trend in mineral processing - column flotation. Design aerohydrodynamic and process characteristics of pilot-scale columns are studied. Optimum process parameters for various ores and operations are studied. Flow patterns in cells of various cross-sections are investigated and the relationship between Peclet criterion and specific capacity of cell is determined. On this basis options were developed for optimisation of hydrodynamic characteristics of large capacity cells, including longitudinal sectionalising of the collection zone. It is shown that advantages of high column cells (10 - 13 m) produced in the West can be implemented in a sectionalised machine of smaller height (5 - 6 m). Investigations on the influence of slurry and air bubbles flow patterns indicated that to increase flotation rate of particles of various flotabilities it is expedient to combine co- and counter-current flows of phases in a single column. The proposed designs allow tailings to repeatedly return tailings to the collection zone and alternate co- and counter-current slurry and air flows. For the first time columns with alternating slurry flows (combination of co- and counter-current flows) are developed and commercialised. Unique multi-sectional cells having a number of essential advantages compared to monocells are developed. Design features of the cell allow: implementation of different flotation process flowsheets in a single unit, improved beneficiation process results, reduced specific power requirement, and elimination of sludging of the aerator and cell bottom part. Operational problems restricting introduction of column cells are connected with the aeration unit. The new cells are supplied with pneumohydraulic and stepped airlift spargers, allowing control of bubble size distribution with a service life of not less than three years. Successful operation of the new generation of columns with cell volumes of 15, 25, 40, and 80 cu m and the height of 5 - 6 m in copper, molybdenum, antimony, tungsten and nickel ores and coal slurry processing at different plants in this country illustrated their considerable process and operational advantages and verified the proposed options and relationships. A simulation technique of the flotation process and models for the solution of various problems are developed. A modular model of column flotation is constructed taking into account the kinetic relationship of the process and the hydrodynamic regime in the cell. Based on this, a technique of calculating the column parameters based on laboratory tests is developed (scaling-up), and applied for calculating the design of commercial-scale columns is developed.
J Rubinstein, M P Gerasimenko
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- Published: 1993
- PDF Size: 1.285 Mb.
- Unique ID: P199303063