Conference Proceedings
XVIII International Mineral Processing Congress - Five Volume Set
Conference Proceedings
XVIII International Mineral Processing Congress - Five Volume Set
The Effect of Crystal Chemistry Properties on the Flotability of Apatite
Some crystal chemical properties of several apatites from Brazilian deposits and occurrences were determined; the samples had different origins (igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary). The aim was to establish relationships to their froth flotabilities behaviour. Detailed X-ray diffraction studies were carried out, to determine precisely the unit cell parameters and the degrees of crystallinity of the apatite samples. A thorough chemical analysis of these minerals was also conducted. Microflotation studies were carried out, using sodium oleate and dodecylammonium chloride as collectors. The crystallinity levels were determined for all samples studied, with the establishment of a crystallinity index, which varied from 10.0 to 4.5, on a normalised scale. A marked dependence was observed between this crystallinity sequence and flotability; for both collectors, flotability dropped drastically for crystallinity indices lower than 8.0. Also, the low crystallinity apatites showed a decrease in floatability, for longer conditioning times.
A J Rodrigues, P R G Brandao
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- Published: 1993
- Unique ID: P199303185