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Conference Proceedings

XXV International Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC) 2010

Conference Proceedings

XXV International Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC) 2010

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Low Energy Zero Gas Emission Metals Directly from Ore using Geosequestration - A Minerals Processing Vision for the Future

Whilst the fossil fuel-based power industry moves towards carbon capture and storage (CCS) or so-called geosequestration', the minerals industry should adapt to reap the benefits of the new technology. If CCS becomes viable, the door is open to potential key developments in mineral processing. For example, truly continuous steelmaking could at last be realised using natural or manufactured gas combined with generic melt circulation. Iron ore fines would form a thin molten layer moving countercurrent to the gaseous reductant on one side of a melt circulation loop with efficient post-combustion without deleterious effects of slag accumulation on the other. This eliminates oxygen steelmaking because carbon has no access to the circulating molten iron._x000D_
Steelmaking merely requires addition of the appropriate low level of carbon and in-line impurities removal to meet product specification. Concerning non-ferrous smelting, nothing short of virtually zero gas emission will be acceptable in the future. For dolomite-hosted Zn/Pb sulfide ores, typified by those in the Carpentaria region of Northern Australia, the way forward proposed is sulfur fixation at the mine site employing the highly exothermic reaction of SO2 with dolomite, followed by encapsulation of sulfated dolomite in fused ore slag. This releases enough energy for direct ore smelting to individual metal products. However, without CCS the strategy would be unacceptable because of greenhouse gas emissions. The scheme is advocated for direct ore smelting at McArthur River. As a result, the environmental problems of disposal of flotation tailings are avoided. Also, highly energy intensive ultra-fine grinding is eliminated, as indeed froth flotation itself, with overall very significant energy savings and exceptionally high increases in metals recovery. Zinc and lead recoveries approaching 99per cent are predicted to be entirely feasible._x000D_
CITATION:Warner, N, 2010. Low energy zero gas emission metals directly from ore using geosequestration - A minerals processing vision for the future, in Proceedings XXV International Mineral Processing Congress (IMPC) 2010, pp 29-42 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
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  • Published: 2009
  • PDF Size: 0.382 Mb.
  • Unique ID: P201007004

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