Monograph 22 - Geology of Australian and Papua New Guinean Mineral Deposits
Monograph 22 - Geology of Australian and Papua New Guinean Mineral Deposits
This high quality publication documents the great achievements and exploration successes of the last decade in Australia and Papua New Guinea. The volume features 124papers (over 900 pages including colour illustrations) covering significant new deposits as well as several review papers._x000D_
It is the fifth time in almost 50 years that such an outstanding publication has been produced by AusIMM and brings up-to-datethe comprehensive documentation on the mineral deposits of Australia and Papua New Guinea.The two editors both well-known in the geological world also played a major role as editorial advisers to Frank Hughes in AusIMM'sprevious geological volume - The Geology of the Mineral Deposits of Australia and Papua New Guinea (Monograph 14).
It is the fifth time in almost 50 years that such an outstanding publication has been produced by AusIMM and brings up-to-datethe comprehensive documentation on the mineral deposits of Australia and Papua New Guinea.The two editors both well-known in the geological world also played a major role as editorial advisers to Frank Hughes in AusIMM'sprevious geological volume - The Geology of the Mineral Deposits of Australia and Papua New Guinea (Monograph 14).
A Bailey, A Bywater, A Cowden, A Czerw, A D Moy, A D T Goode, A E Waltho, A E Webster, A Grove, A J Barker, A J Mason, A J Ryan, A L Bainbridge, A L Greenaway, A P Byass, A R Martin, A Taube, A Tunks, A W Newton, A W Ryall, B A Mowat, B G Sando, B H Jones, B H Scott Smith, B J Morris, B J Turner, B L Shi, B M McQuitty, B Smith, C A Bosel, C Bolger, C C Graves, C De Vitry, C Green, C H Young, C Hallenstein, C J Cannard, C J Schubert, C Johnston, C L Stegman, C Lutherborrow, C M Jones, C M Kirk, C R Lewis, C S Perring, C Simpson, C Switzer, C T Hale, C W A Carnie, C Wilkins, D B Fortowski, D C Fredericksen, D C Lee, D Collett, D Dunnet, D G Semple, D G Turnbull, D Gibbs, D H Taylor, D I Ross, D J Hobby, D J Pascoe, D J Perkin, D J Whitworth, D L Andrews, D L Head, D M McKenna, D McIntosh, D Milburn, D R Jenkins, D R Lovett, D R Maclean, D R Richards, D Radclyffe, D Rak, D S Thynne, D Tau-Loi, D W Smith, E E Masterman, E Mikucki, E Wahdan, F J Hughes, F Pirajno, G B Ebsworth, G C Broadbent, G C Miller, G C Reed, G D Balfe, G D Hodgson, G F P Jones, G Hamilton, G J Corbett, G J DeRoss, G J Drew, G J Elliott, G J Fahey, G J McDermott, G M Rheinberger, G M Wilson, G N Phillips, G P Caia, G R Hemming, G S Teale, G Smart, G Steemson, G Tangney, H T Georgi, I Blucher, I D Lindley, I J Morrison, I J Pringle, I K Copeland, I Miles, I P Hay, I R Mulholland, I Stockton, J A Pocock, J A Treacy, J Broome, J C Brown, J C Ion, J Cook, J Cucuzza, J D Hicks, J de Vickerod Krokowski, J E Nethery, J E Orton, J Elliot, J Fothergill, J Hill, J Hosken, J I Renton, J L Harris, J M Fogarty, J M Parianos, J P Laurie, J Parks, J R Horsburgh, J R Lea, J R McIntyre, J R Vearncombe, J S Birch, J S Donaldson, J S Hartley, J T Pitkäjärvi, J W Libby, K A Rogers, K G Chapple, K Hellsten, K J Harvey, K L Olzard, K M Cervoj, K M Frost, K P Denwer, L C Ranford, L M Ward, L Pilapil, M A Dugmore, M A Harper, M B Davies, M Brooker, M C Fairclough, M E Erickson, M E H Smith, M E Ivey, M E Smith, M F Fowler, M G Hills, M Gane, M J Barr, M J Glasson, M J Gole, M J Hughes, M J Seed, M Kriewaldt, M R K Muir, M Teakle, M Tin, M V Berry, M Whittle, M Woodhouse, N A Inwood, N D Adshead, N Dodunski, N F Morwood, N J Hazard, N J Winnall, N M Vickery, N Miskelly, N R Archer, N Zurkic, Newcrest Mining Staff, P A Blampain, P A Kitto, P A Ruxton, P B Hills, P Eilu, P G Gent, P G N Newton, P Hayden, P I Pring, P J Forrestal, P J Langworthy, P J Pearson, P J Waters, P K Ness, P M Buckley, P McInnes, P Morant, P R Leevers, P R Messenger, P R Stephenson, P R Stockman, P S Buck, P S Rea, P T Nguyen, P Voulgaris, P W Edwards, P W Leaman, P W Quigley, P W Sage, R A Crookes, R A Harmsworth, R B Watchorn, R Belcher, R D Paquay, R D Willis, R E Hill, R G Henderson, R H Roberts, R Holmes, R I Valliant, R J Close, R J Fare, R J Kellett, R L Andrew, R M D Meares, R M Joyce, R Monti, R Morland, R Murphy, R Mustard, R Nielsen, R Rogerson, R S Sebek, S A Vallance, S C Chanter, S D Beams, S D Golding, S Denn, S Dunham, S E Thornett, S G Ellery, S H Shedden, S Hopf, S Ibil, S J A McCracken, S J Barnes, S M Elliott, S M Richardson, S Marsh, S P Hitchman, S W Helm, S Wilcock, T A Fuller, T Callaghan, T Coughlin, T H Reddicliffe, T J Hibberd, T Journeaux, T M Leach, T S Beckett, The geological staff of New, V A Diemar, V N Muscio, V W Fazakerley, W A Preston, W E Stone, W Edgar, W G Cook, W K Woodhouse, W R Ormsby, W R Taylor
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- Published: 1998
- Unique ID: PA-Mono22