Monograph 28 - Australasian Mining and Metallurgical Operating Practices PDF
Monograph 28 - Australasian Mining and Metallurgical Operating Practices PDF
The third edition of this prestigious and well-known publication provides aninvaluable technical reference and comprehensive record of operating practicesin the Australasian minerals industry._x000D_
AMMOP is comprised of 186 papers covering 218 significant mining andprocessing operations in Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea. Inaddition to the site and plant descriptions, relevant issues and key areas are addressed in the introductory chapters. These include industry overviews foreach country, environment, community, safety, research and education,geoscience, metallurgy, mining, asset management and sustainability._x000D_
The two volumes are cloth-bound and presented in a slip-case._x000D_
AMMOP will prove to be an important reference volume for practitioners,researchers, consultants and students for many years to come.
AMMOP is comprised of 186 papers covering 218 significant mining andprocessing operations in Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea. Inaddition to the site and plant descriptions, relevant issues and key areas are addressed in the introductory chapters. These include industry overviews foreach country, environment, community, safety, research and education,geoscience, metallurgy, mining, asset management and sustainability._x000D_
The two volumes are cloth-bound and presented in a slip-case._x000D_
AMMOP will prove to be an important reference volume for practitioners,researchers, consultants and students for many years to come.
C Abbott, G Adams, D Addison, A Adem, A Agarwal, T Akroyd, P Alexander, R Alivio, M Allen, P Allen, P Androvic, C Armstrong, J Armstrong, H Arvidson, S Ashe, W Astill, C Atichison, C Badenhorst, C Bailey, J Baldwin, J Ballot, P Bamford, S Bamforth, J Banning, Z Baptista, J Barben, R G Barker, S Barker, B Barnett, G Bartel, R Bartlett, P Bartsch, L Bateman, M Bateman, A Beaton, A Beer, H Bell, D Benson, D Bertoldi, M Beswick, A Bhasin, G R Birch, M Biven, G Blackford, J Blunt, T Bondin, R Bose, J Bower, W Bower, J Boyer, S Bradford, B Brady, R Brake, A Brannigan, A Brent, M Briggs, J Brodalka, K Brooke, B Brown, K Brown, M Brown, N Bullock, F Burgess, R Burns, C Burton, I Burwell, A Butcher, S Buxton, B Byrne, S Byrne, A Caccioppoli, Y Cai, B Callaghan, I Cameron, C Carr, G Carr, R Carrol, C Carter, G Chalmers, J Chapman, T Cheaib, D Cheyne, R Chisholm, P Christen, A Ciluzzo, S Clarey, S Clarke, A Clements, B Clibborn, D Clifford, SE Close, S Clyde, D Cochrane, T Cockerill, C Coleman, B Colman, D Connelly, R Cook, J Cooke, D Cooling, P Corbett, G Cordery, J Cornford, D Corp, R Cotton, D Coulson, B Cox, J Creighton, M Crespan, J Cunningham, R Cunningham, A Cupac, J Curtis, T Cutts, L Dalton, R Dalton, D D'Angelo, L Davey, C Dawson, D Dawson, J de Vries, J DeRoss, K Derwent, P M Dight, G Donaldson, I Donaldson, O Donnelly, M Donoghue, K Donovan, C Dorsey, B Douglas, A Dowling, R Dowsett, B Doy, S Doyle, T Dube, C Duck, M Dukes, L Dunstone, G Durandt, N Earner, M Edgar, K Edwards, K Ehrig, B Ekers, M Elias, A Elliot, PJ Elliott, P Elms, M Erickson, T Esplin, R Evans, CR Every, S Farnsworth, P Fawell, K Fenwick, D Fergusson, M Fist, M Fitzgibbon, C Fitzmaurice, K Forrest, C Forster, P Forster, D Foster, J Foster, R S Francis, D French, I Gale, T Galvin, S Garland, C Gawith, W Ghavalas, A Giles, A Ginn, R Gobert, J Golling, A Goode, S Gowan, G Graham, P Graham, B Grant, D Grant, J Grant, M Gray, S Green, C Greet, J Grobler, J Groves, G Hall, J Halloran, S Hampton, G Harris, I Harvey, R Harvey, A V Haworth, P Hayman, J Haywood, D Henderson, B Hendersonhall, R Hendry, K Henley, L Herwin, M Heydari, J Heyes, S Hillian, PB Hills, P Hitchins, C Hobbs, S Hobden, I Hodkinson, N Hofstee, R J Holmes, S Holmes, R Horton, D Howard, S Howard, A Hugo, V Hugo, M Hulmes, P Hunt, D Hunter, B Hutchison, R Hutchison, T Huynh, A Hyde-Page, B Ireland, J Irvine, M Ison, T Israel, A Jackson, L Jackson, P James, A Jenderko, M Jenkins, R Jennings, P Johansen, J Johns, M Johnson, Q Johnston, R Johnston, C Jones, G Jones, W Jones, M Justen, H Kaag, T Kalma, E Kameniar, S Keech, B Kelley, P Kemp, C Ker, P Kerr, T Kerr, T King, R Kinnell, L Klein, J Knight, W W Knight, P Knights, J Knoblauch, A Koen, P Kopeap, J Labuschagne, H Lacy, G Lane, R Langton, D Latti, K Lawrence, A Lawry, J Le Roux, P Lean, C Lee, G Lee, C Leunig, J Li, Y Lialkovski, V Liebezeit, E Lim, L Lim, S Lindsay, P Lloyd, S Long, K Longley, A Lord, A Lorrigan, T Lowien, G Lumley, A Lye, M Lynch, D Mackay, W MacNevin, R Maddocks, F Magee, M Magee, E Malone, J Malone, P Maney, J Manley, M Mara, A Margetts, P Marlow, P Marshall, A B Marsland-Smith, H G Märten, C Marx, I Maton, A Mattiske, B Maynard, L McAndrew, P R McAree, A McArthur, T J McAuley, N McCarthy, P McCarthy, K McCunnie, K McCutcheon, J McDiarmid, K McDonald, T McGilvray, P McGovern, C McIntosh, D McKenzie, R McLean, P McManus, K Mein, R Meyer, T Mibus, B Micke, P Middlebrook, P Miles, A Millar, B Miller, D Miller, G Miller, R Miller, J Milsom, N Mittan, R Molan, E Mongan, J Moodie, R Moreby, T Morris, B Murphy, J Murray, P Myers, T J Napier-Munn, L Neesham, I Neilsen, G Newling, B Nicholls, C Nikolic, C Nolan, M Nugus, P Oakeley, D Obeng, R O'Connell, C O'Farrell, C Offner, P O'Grady, SL Oliver, S Omizzolo, N Orr, R O'Sullivan, J Pafumi, P Page, F Palominos, L S Pangum, A Paras, M Paris, A Paterson, B Patten, I Paynter, J Pelliciari, J Pendergast, A Penney, J Peranec, C Phan, S Phegan, M Philipson, R Phillips, S Pinder, T Pitt, P Plaisted, J Platt, J Pluckhan, D Podmore, M Poepjes, Z Pokrajcic, J Pollock, F Pothitos, J Potter, Y Potvin, C Poulsom, R Povey, J Powell, G Power, AGL Pratt, D Price, N Price, I Primmer, I Pripic, C Pritchard, G Pryor, N F Pulle, J Putubu, P Quinn, P Quivooy, N Ramshaw, G Randle, W J Rankin, G Rankine, G Rautenbach, T Read, R Redden, M Reed, I Reemeyer, J Resta, S Reynolds, A Rich, R Richardson, J Ricketts, M Ridd, S Ridge, D J Roberts, A Robertson, M Robinson, M Roche, C Rodgers, S Rodriguez, S Roesler, M Roll, O Romeril, D Rose, D Ross, F Rossberg, C Rowland, C Rushby, J Russell, P Ruzicka, B Ryan, N Ryan, S Ryan, M Sampson, L Santana, C Sartain, J Save, S Saydam, M Scamardella, B Semler, M Sexton, R A Shaw, B Sherriff, G Shields, D Short, V Siepen, T Sime, I Simmons, J Simmons, D Sims, B Sinclair, R Sinclair, G Singh, M Sisley, P Sithambaram, S Slack, D Slade, N Slade, N Slater, M Smith, P Smith, T Smith, W Smith, B Sowden, D Spadaccini, P Sperring, J st George, K Stacey, R L Stainlay, C Standing, A Stark, C Stegman, L Stienstra, PB Stokes, D Stralow, S L Stroud, N Sutherland, M Sverdloff, P Tan, M Tassone, S Tavani, A Taylor, J Taylor, N Taylor, P Taylor, S Taylor, P Telford, H Thanasekaran, G Theobald Stephens, A Theobold, N Theodossiadis, M Thompson, A Tietzel, S Tombs, M Tooma, E Topal, S Torsiello, B Triffett, K D Tuckwell, B Turner, J Turner, D Twining, D Tyson, G Undy, G Uren, V Utete, B Valiukas, J van Anen, K van der Merwe, M van Dongen, M van Heerden, A Van Krieken, P Van Rooyen, B Vorster, B Wade, K Wade, R Walker, K Wallace, D J S Ward, R Wardman, B Wass, G Waugh, M Werror, J Wesseloo, G West, P West, A Weston, G White, S White, J Whitelock, D Wilkie, G Wilkie, D J Williams, M Williams, K Wills, J Willson, S Wilson, V Wilson, A Wilson, D Wilson, E Wilson, C Withers, N Wolfe, S Wolfenden, D Woodman, G Woodrow, P H Woods, M Wort, A Wyllie, J Zimmermann
Monograph 28 - Australasian Mining and Metallurgical Operating Practices PDFPDFNormal price $264.00Member price from $158.40
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Monograph 28 - Australasian Mining and Metallurgical Operating PracticesBundleNormal price $445.50 + ShippingMember price from $267.30 + Shipping
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- Published: 2013
- Pages: 1920 pp.
- PDF Size: 98.812 Mb.
- Unique ID: BK485E
- ISBN no: 978 1 921522 84 0