Monograph 29 - Mineral Economics PDF
Monograph 29 - Mineral Economics PDF
This monograph provides a useful review of economic, financial and policy issues affecting the minerals industry and has proven extremely popular with students, practitioners and industry advisors. This second edition is timely given the continued high demand and interest for minerals professionals wishing to keep abreast of current thinking on this subject._x000D_
The volume is set out in five main sections: Minerals and the World Economy Minerals - Consumption, Production and Markets Mineral Finance and Investment Minerals and Public Policy Mining and Local Communities
The volume is set out in five main sections: Minerals and the World Economy Minerals - Consumption, Production and Markets Mineral Finance and Investment Minerals and Public Policy Mining and Local Communities
Robin Adams, Helal Ahammad, O Aitlan, Rami al Rawashdeh, Jon Altman Q C Amos, Craig Andrews V Antikarov A Armour, Harvey Armstrong, Kenneth Arrow, Giles Atkinson, The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Richard Auty, Roger Backhouse, M P Baker, Harold Barnett, Paul Bartos, Stephen Bartrop, David Bedworth Drew Bellamy, Simon Benninga, Jeremy Bentham Nicholas Biddle, Geoffrey Blainey, Edgar Blanco, Michael Boskin, R G Boundy, Michael Bourassa, Paul Bradley, Barry Brady Michael Brennan M Brons, A J Brown, E C Brown, Celso Brunetti R G Burn, Noel Butlin, M Calzada, Gary Campbell, Archie B Carroll, Atul Chandra, M L Chavez-Martinez, J Claeys, Robert Clark, B Clarke, R T Clemen, Kenneth Clements, Anthony Clunies Ross James C Collins John Connell, Herbert C Coombs, T E Copeland, Tony Corbett, Max Corden, John Cordes, Gonzalo Cortazar, K Corts, Jaime Cosassus, David Cousins, Michael Crommelin, Phillip Crowson, S S Cueller, Peter Curson, Luke Danielson, Graham Davis, S C Davis, Gerard Debreu, P W Deer, T Denolder, Pedro de Valdivia, S W Diegel, Michael Dillon, N Dinham, Avenish Dixit, Mick Dodson, Peter Drucker Kazimierz Dziewonski Adriana Eftimie, Roderick G Eggert, Thomas Ejdemo, John Elkington Rickard Eriksson Michael Etheridge Marat Fainstein, Matthew Fallon, Harrison Fell, David Fisher, V Flores, Jedrzej Frynas, John Kenneth Galbraith, Ross Garnaut, Alan Gelb, Frank Giarratani, Christopher Gilbert The Global Compact Edwin Gooding, Richard Gordon, W A Greenwaldt, Herbert Grubel, J Grytten, Pietro Guj, Juan Ignacio Guzmán, Thorvaldur Gylfason, Sharman Haley, Brigette Hall, Kirk Hamilton, Rognvaldur Hanneson, Edward Hammond Hargraves, DeVerle Harris, John Hartwick, Bruce Harvey, B Haynes, N Hayward, Eli Heckscher, Robert Heilbroner, Katherine Heller, the Henry Report, John Hicks, Gavin Hilson, Philip Hirsch, Jack Hirshleifer, Lindsay Hogan, Edgar Hoover, Bryan Horrigan, Donald Horton, Harold Hotelling, Peter Howie, Richard Howitt, Helen Hughes, J E Hughes, David Hummels, David Humphreys, Boyd Hunter Galina Ivanova, Gas and Metals National Corporation Japan Oil William Jeffrey, Rod Jensen, William Stanley Jevons, Susan Joyce, Nicholas Kaldor P Kandelaars, John Kay, P T Keenan, J Kim, C R Knittel, Jeffrey Krautkraemer, Oliver Kreuzer, Paul Krugman, Simon Kuznets, Gustavo Lagos, Marcia Langton, Douglas Laughton, Michael Lawrence, R D Lawrence, Rebecca Lawrence, Daniel Lederman, Wassily Leontief, K J Lesley, Lynne Lewis, Shanjun Li, P J Loferski, Deborah Lord, Nils-Gustav Lundgren, Magnus MacFarlane, Brian MacKenzie, Angus Maddison, Wilfred Malenbaum, William Maloney, Anthony Mamuse, John Mangan, W G Manning, Oliver Maponga, Alfred Marshall, Anthony Mason, Philip Maxwell, M P Mayfield, Kevin McCardle, Kevin McCracken, James McDivitt, Ian McLean, Frank McShane, Donna Meadows, Steven Medema J R Meyer, M P Michaels, Raymond F Mikesell, John Stuart Mill, Merton Miller Minerals and Sustainable Development Mining G D Mitchell, Franco Modigliani, J P Morgan, Chandler Morse, Johnathan Mun, Shigetoshi Nakamura, Gobind Nankani, Peter Neary, Paul Newendorp John Nieuwenhuysen, Takashi Nishiyama, Juan O’Brien, Ciaran O’Faircheallaigh, C W O’Hare, Bertil Ohlin, Nancy Olewiler, Anna Olsson, C C Otnes, James Otto, Vilfredo Pareto, Brian Parmenter, J E Parsons, Anthony Paul, Scott Pegg, Fanyu Pei, Graham Peirson, J L Pequignot, Andrea Petermann, Vanessa Petkova, John C V Pezzey, C E Phelps, John Pilkington, Robert Pindyck E H Pleck, Michael Porter, Paul R Portney, Richard Poulin, Luca Pravica, K Pulvermacher, Marian Radetzki, Alan Randall, Sabah Randhawa, Alfred Rappaport, John Rawls T Reilly David Ricardo, James Riggs Lionel Robbins, Mark Roberts, Peter Rogers, John Rolfe, William E Roscoe, Michael Ross Alan Rumsey, Jeffrey Sachs, G Salahor Michael Samis, Paul Samuelson, William Schaffer, John Schluyer, Eduardo Schwartz A G L Shaw, Anne Sibbel, William Sinclair Mark Sirower, Margaret Slade, Adam Smith, James Smith, Patrik Soderholm, Robert Solow, Werner Sombart D Sperling, Robin Stewardson, Keith Storey, John Strongman, Ian Sue Wing, Daniel Sullivan, Peter Svedberg H K Taylor, Jim Taylor, Leanna Tedesco, Tom Tietenberg, John Tilton Michael Todaro Michael A Toman, Thomas F Torries, Ragnar Torvik, Allan Trench, P A Uttley, P J Uttley Frank Vanclay, J D van Dam, Arturo Vásquez Cordano, R Venkatesh William Vogely, G Walkup, D Wallace, C Ward, Janeth Warden-Fernandez, Andrew Warner, Linda Wårrel, J C Watts, Audrey Webb, Martyn Webb, Monica Weber-Fahr James Weiner, Steven J Weiss, Guy West, John P Weyant A J Wilson, Justice A E Woodward, H Peyton Young
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- Published: 2013
- Pages: 306 pp.
- PDF Size: 23.062 Mb.
- Unique ID: BK486E
- ISBN no: 978 1 921522 87 1