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Iron Ore Conference Recording 2023


Iron Ore Conference Recording 2023

Iron Ore 2024 - Session 12 I Closing Plenary

Iron Ore 2024 - Session 1 I Opening Plenary Watch
Iron Ore 2024 - Session 2a | Greener downstream processing Watch
Iron Ore 2024 - Session 2b | Exploration and geology Watch
Iron Ore 2024 - Session 3 | Greener downstream processing continued Watch
Iron Ore 2024 - Session 4a I Health, safety, environment and community Watch
Iron Ore 2024 - Session 4b I Mining and processing Watch
Iron Ore 2024 - Session 5 I Plenary Watch
Iron Ore 2024 - Session 6a | Greener downstream processing - Green iron and steel production Watch
Iron Ore 2024 - Session 6b | Ore processing and beneficiation Watch
Iron Ore 2024 - Session 7a I Process optimisation Watch
Iron Ore 2024 - Session 7b I Ore processing and beneficiation continued Watch
Iron Ore 2024 - Session 8 I Mining and processing and Panel Discussion Watch
Iron Ore 2024 - Session 9 I Plenary Watch
Iron Ore 2024 - Session 10a | Sintering and pelletising Watch
Iron Ore 2024 - Session 10b | Ore characterisation and geometallurgy Watch
Iron Ore 2024 - Session 11a I DRI, HBI and Pig Iron production Watch
Iron Ore 2024 - Session 11b I Process optimisation Watch
Iron Ore 2024 - Session 12 I Closing Plenary Watch
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  • Iron Ore Conference Recording 2023
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PD Hours
Approved activity
  • Published: 17/9/2023
  • Duration: 7.0717592592592596E-2 minutes
  • Unique ID: P-03304-C0Z3F4

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