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World Gold 2019


World Gold 2019

Modelling approaches and their application in comminuation circuit design

Gold analysis using photonassay: deployment and operating experience Watch
Modelling approaches and their application in comminuation circuit design Watch
Flotation, autoclaves, leaching and Acacia reactor Improvements Watch
The story of digital Watch
Operational insights to carbon-in-leach processing through dynamic simulation Watch
Underground mining - We are just scratching the surface Watch
Flowsheet development of a refractory gold ore to minimise arsenic issues in the enviroment Watch
Laboratory and field evaluations of a new non-toxic gold leach reagent Watch
The auplata modular gold recovery plant Watch
Application of a Co-adsorption model for the design of CIL/CIP circuits Watch
Hydro hoisting: a new approach Watch
Study on attrition of carbon particles during regeneration of activated carbon Watch
Low and high pressure injection fore secondary recovery of gold in heaps Watch
The mineralogy and processing potential of some ores from the Commonwealth prospect in NSW, Australia Watch
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  • World Gold 2019
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PD Hours
Approved activity
  • Published: 10/9/2019
  • Duration: 35 minutes
  • Unique ID: VID10248

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