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Leadership & Brand Deployment Event

AusRock Webinar: Future of Rock Mechanics

Leadership & Brand Deployment Event

AusRock Webinar: Future of Rock Mechanics

The minerals industry worldwide is suffering from rising costs and increasingly difficult conditions such as deeper and steeper or unconventional deposits; lower ore grade; lack of human resources and skill shortages; geotechnical challenges in extreme mining conditions; and a range of social and environmental challenges. We are now also experiencing exponential growth in implementing new technologies and systems in the mining industry including rock mechanics and rock engineering applications. In this panel, we will discuss the problems and issues we may face in the future of rock engineering, and discuss the potential impact of the new technologies on the future of rock mechanics discipline and rock engineering applications.

Join us to hear from three esteemed expert panellists from industry and academia from Australia and the US. The webinar will be facilitated by Professor Serkan Saydam from UNSW Sydney (Co-Chair of AusRock 2022 and Fellow of AusIMM). The panellists are Dr Alison McQuillan, Director of Rocscience; Professor Jamal Rostami, Colorado School of Mines; and Dr Fernando Vieira, Cartledge Mining and Geotecnics.
  • AusRock Webinar: Future of Rock Mechanics
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PD Hours
Approved activity
  • Published: 16/6/2022
  • Duration: 67 minutes
  • Unique ID: P-01412-T7P3Q9

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